Most Common Salesforce Integration Types for a Successful Enterprises Business

Emorphis Technologies
Emorphis Technologies
4 min readMar 16, 2020

To integrate data into an ample number of ways, Salesforce is the most trustworthy tool. It is versatile and powerful enough to leave all other tools far behind. At present, no solution is present to match services offered during the design phase for all enterprises.

An organization requires various tools and apps which are not native to the Salesforce for their proper functioning. However, real magic occurs when it becomes possible to integrate non-native apps with Salesforce successfully.

Furthermore, with the presence of AppExchange apps; it becomes quite feasible to integrate Salesforce with other systems and allow the organization to reap benefit from it. Without integration, the non-Salesforce system will not be able to work efficiently.

There are numerous types available in Salesforce which will help the organization to evaluate its products and then launch them to enter their market.

Not only it will be essential to make your Salesforce integration services popular among the vendors, but it will also help them to establish them as a leading service provider. There are six types of Salesforce integration that are most commonly used.

A. Batch Integration

One of the most frequently utilized data integration methods, which provides data updates based on an hourly, weekly or monthly basis. It is more useful in those cases where there are fewer changes in data but are generated in great quantities.

How does batch integration work? It works based on checking and viewing:

  • Creation of new qualified leads in the market so that batch services will copy those leads to create new records in Salesforce
  • Occurrence of any changes in Salesforce so to update other systems in it

A recent survey has found that 70% of the Salesforce integration implemented in most of the companies comprises batch integration. The given integration will assist you in improving data consistency across the apps and help you to get more streamline operations.

B. Near Real-Time Integration

In near-real-time integration, speed is given paramount importance where processing time takes place in seconds which can be delayed for a few minutes or occur between them at any point. It is normally used where there is a quick demand for data integration without any damage even if the transfer has happened within a few seconds.

It is also among the commonest of data integration procedure which is more reliable and easier to implement. For various applications like notifying confirmation for online orders or sending emails, the given integration is best suited for them.

C. Real-Time Integration

It Implies that when different apps and databases are connected, any changes in one system simultaneous updates others as well. Many experts consider real-time integration a must for all situations notable of them include aligning it with sales and marketing.

But why real-time integration matters? It matters as there are various technical and business advantages in the given integration such as:

a. Provision of Better Insight & Visibility into your Business

Real-time dashboards help in effective monitoring of key areas like supply chains, inventory levels, customer purchase and many more. Furthermore, there is a constant flow of insight to help employees in taking best decisions for improved performance.

b. Superior Customer Service

Real-time information is provided by the customer service reps to the customers on available stock, account balances, purchase history and many more.

c. Better Customer Engagement

A system can be integrated in real-time for providing some good formality like thank-you email to create a place in the heart of the customers.

d. Economical Transfer of Data

Do you know how real-time integration works? It works by moving the records of individuals in the system rather than in batch which is quite economical and thus helps an organization to save significant cost in the cloud environment.

D. AppExchange

It is an online marketplace for Salesforce which is designed mainly for integrating with the popular system in the world of business. How so? It is because it includes all solutions to solve complex issues.

Also, it allows less complicated installations with wide support with the provision of future enhancements by the vendors. There are various benefits associated with using AppExchange in Salesforce integration such as:

  • Provides wide support for installing console of Salesforce for customized application by customers
  • Offers customers to share and install apps which are published by other vendors
  • Provision of thousands of user reviews to ensure transparency in businesses
  • Performing a high-security scan to ensure integration of genuine apps for the customers

E. Real-Time Mashups

Real-time mashups are used in reducing the amount of data so to keep large data sets in multiple applications and then make it available to Salesforce as and when required. They are used to showcase externally hosted and Salesforce hosted data.

Besides, it also utilizes user-interface in Visualforce for creating customized UIs. Two types of mashup designs are supported by Salesforce namely external website and callouts based on Apex code. It comes with two benefits like:

  • There is staling of data
  • No requirement of proprietary methods to integrate Salesforce with another system (s)

Sum Up

After venturing deep in the given article, one thing is clear that every type of Salesforce integration facilitates better integration to serve the interest of the business enterprise well.

It is up to you to decide which integration method will suit your business needs in the most effective manner. If you want to get access to a great solution without any issue; then collaborate with an organization providing the best Salesforce integration services and get a good result.

Originally Published at — Most Common Integration Types for a Successful Enterprises Business



Emorphis Technologies
Emorphis Technologies

Emorphis Technologies is a world-class software development company. We serve industries ranging from unicorns and startups to large multinationals.