Seven Commandments in Healthcare Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is Shaping the Future

Emorphis Technologies
Emorphis Technologies
6 min readJul 18, 2019


Over the last 30 years or so, healthcare systems have experienced game changing reforms, upgradation, developments, and significant improvements globally. The healthcare industry now is ever evolving with complex data sets and an increasingly rate of bottlenecks, for instance — cost of treatment and related patient outcomes. Early adopters of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the healthcare space have ripped benefits in terms of patient care and again adding to their bottom-line.

The technology is helping to developed personalized healthcare services while significantly lowering the time to look for information that is critical to decision making and facilitating advance care for patients. An investigation by Accenture has revealed that AI in healthcare market is expected to reach USD 6.6 billion by 2021 with an estimated CAGR of 40% annually. As on date, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are truly disrupting the world of healthcare providers with improved modernized logic.

Having said that, AI in Healthcare has huge potential to reduce costs, improve the quality of services, and above all accessibility. In the following section, we list out the disruptions, which we proudly refer to as seven commandments in Healthcare AI shaping the future –

1. Virtual assistants for patients and healthcare workers

The shortfall of medical labor that often leads to strain on the available healthcare workers is the key driver for accepting virtual nursing assistants.

Patient always expects sympathy and an extra word of caution and care from the healthcare provider. This initial dialog between the patient and healthcare provider can be conveyed with the help of a virtual assistant, setting up the tone for a more detailed conversation. By doing this, virtual assistant for healthcare can take responsibilities from other key stakeholders such as the physician, assistance in delivering advance services and care.

With the help of technologies such as — voice recognition, voice biometrics, EHR integrations, and a speaker customized for healthcare virtual assistant guided by AI can improve the communication between patient as well as the healthcare provider while leading to better consumer experience and reduced physician burnout.

2. AI chatbots for your chit chats

Chatbots are now playing an important role, especially in the healthcare sector for making a positive impact in patient care.

FACTSHEET — According to a report published by Juniper Research, the chatbots will be responsible for saving $8 billion combined costs every year by 2022 in Retail, e-Commerce, Banking, and Healthcare.

With reduced enquiry resolution time, backed by automating the communication, healthcare sector is seeing massive savings throughout; using the chatbots.

The chatbot helps physician in diagnosis by asking relevant questions to the patients; by selecting the right set from the options provided helps physicians recommend the precise course of action. The research study predicts that the success of chatbot where there is no human being involved will rise to 75% in 2022 from a mere 12% in 2017.

3. Bots are assisting critical surgeries

Microsurgery is critical and requires high level of precision and accuracy. AI Robots are helping the physician to reduce the variation that could affect patient health and recovery in the long term. Robot promoted procedures can compensate for the differences in the skills of physicians in case of new or complex surgeries, which often lead to implications on the health of the patient, or even costs related to procedures for that matter.

Evolved robots have the capability and skillset to outpower human intellect. With the surgeries assisted by AI robots, doctors are eliminating risks such as — imprecision or anomalies in the procedure. As the growth of machine learning and data analytics reaches new threshold in healthcare, robot will be more responsible and accountable for critical insights and best practices related to surgery.

Inability and bad outcomes are substantially reduced, this leads to improved patient care and enhanced service delivery. With the help of AI robots in surgeries, training cost can be saved significantly, and periodic tasks can be automated with precision.

AI in pathology is minimizing the requirement for physical samples of tissues by improving the existing radiology tools — making them cent percent accurate and detailed.

4. Oncology Implementation — Detecting skin cancer with AI

AI as a practice technology in healthcare talks about deep learning. Deep learning plays a vital role in detecting cancer as it can help to obtain higher diagnostic accuracy in comparison to experts. With the help of deep learning, researches train machines to discover the cancer tissues with high level of accuracy and precision as compared to a trained human skin physician.

5. AI in pathology labs for diagnostics

As we all know, pathology deals with the diagnosis of disease(s) by vital analysis of bodily fluids viz blood and urine. Machine learning helps pathologist improve pathology exertion often traditionally left to pathologists as they regularly evaluate multiple images in order to reach diagnosis post finding traces of abnormalities. With the help of deep learning and machine learning, pathologist efforts can be streamlined to great extent, and the decision-making precision can be improved.

With these AI-powered solutions assisting pathologist, we need to clarify one thing that is Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not going to replace physicians and doctors anytime soon. Deep learning networks can only become efficient when they self-learn and develop experiences, just as any physicians do.

6. Cybersecurity applications in Healthcare AI

Cybersecurity has become a significant concern for healthcare organizations, threatening to cost stakes worth USD 380 per patient record. Using Healthcare AI for tracking security concerns, can create trust as the foundation for a more digitally disrupted healthcare space.

Errors and frauds have hit the healthcare landscape tremendously. Thus, it becomes even more important to ensure the security of data and related solutions. Data breach and fraud detection totally relies on running traditional rules and reviewing systems manually. However, with AI in place it easy to detect breaches. An estimated USD 17 billion can be saved annually by only improving the speed of fraud detection.

7. Health Monitoring with AI and wearables

Health monitoring is already an outspread application of Healthcare AI. Wearable health tracking devices such as those offered by Apple, Fitbit, and Garmin monitors vital organ activities such as heart rates. These wearables devices send the data captured from the sensors to the AI system, these data sets and information are then graphically represented and the current health status of a person is determined.

These wearable devices easily detect the workout pattern and sends alert when a user skips the workout routine. Repetitive regular routines and the need of the user can be recorded and available when the user needed them. For instance, Patient gets a notification if they need to avoid heavy cardiac workout when a high level of activity is detected.

Let’s conclude this…

In the complicated world of healthcare, the spelling for simplicity is AI. With early diagnosis, faster service, and data analytic helps measure genetic information to prepare someone rescue from a disease. In the healthcare domain, acting swiftly in seconds could mean saving lives and that is the one of the best and relevant reason as to why AI holds such a significance for every patient involved.

With the rising problem and challenges, AI developers along with physicians’ inputs are defining newer ways to resolve issues with a clear objective in mind — improve healthcare services and patient experience. It is a promise from our side that soon you will see innovative concepts turn into shear reality. Healthcare domain is flooded with innovation, it is just a matter of time before these systems become more and more affordable, scalable, and viable to the healthcare institutions. In the healthcare industry, the role of AI is limitless!



Emorphis Technologies
Emorphis Technologies

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