Are You an Early Bird, a Night Owl, or a Permanently Exhausted Pigeon?

ADHD, weird sleep, and why I will never join your 5 a.m. club

Perky Bird Gets The Worm


Zzzzzzzzzzzz pc: katemangostar on freepik

If you read my profile name — Perky Bird Gets the Worm — and assume I’m an early bird, you’d be forgiven.

You’d also be wrong.

I’ve never been a morning person, at least not a crack-of-dawn morning person.

And yet I’m not a night owl either. By the evening, I’m typically drained, unproductive unless it’s a rote task requiring minimal concentration.

If I’m being honest with myself, early morning is when I feel the most clear-headed and focused. I have the best ideas and the most energy first thing in the morning…if I’ve gotten enough sleep the night before.

That’s a big and important if.

That’s an if that doesn’t happen nearly enough of the time, certainly not most nights.

I’ve read that to determine how much sleep your body and brain truly need, you should pay attention to what schedule you naturally revert to on vacation.

I think we can safely assume that whoever came up with this experiment is not talking about a vacation that involves travel and/or…



Perky Bird Gets The Worm

Neurodivergent | Recovering Perfectionist | Dog Mom | Kid Mom | Snark with Occasional Substance |