Book Review: Love’s a Disaster by Andrew Knott

Florida man pens debut novel, redeeming Florida man stereotype for one news cycle

Lora Straub Brocone
Published in
5 min readJun 19, 2024


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I need to preface this review of Love’s a Disaster by Andrew Knott with a disclaimer, which is that I’m NOT a giant cynic who no longer has fingerprints because romance novels are her Kryptonite — I swear.

Okay, I lied.

I am a giant cynic. Unreliable narrator, for the win! Just call me Walter White.

But no, wait, I’m NOT a cynic! I’ve seen every season of Bridgerton, you can’t possibly be cynical and watch that. If I were, I’d have cackled myself to death last weekend, and you wouldn’t be reading these very words, dear gentle reader.

Okay, okay. I did roll my eyes at Penelope thinking she’s the second coming of Jane Austen thanks to a gossip rag narrated by Mary Poppins.

Mix brownies stink

The fact is, I’m a snob. I have the credentials to prove it — my nickname in second grade was Snobby Straubby. To be fair, that had less to do with literary taste and more to do with this fact: in one glance, I can clock a brownie made from a mix, and my friends’ moms weren’t big fans of that.



Lora Straub Brocone

TMI, emotional, neurodivergent (ADHD edition), funny, funny haha, sentence polisher. Editor of emoshitstorm. Inquiries: Lora.Straub.Brocone@gmail.com