The Official emoshitstorm Music Questionnaire — [Insert Your Name Here] Edition

This elder millennial wants to know YOUR “deep in feels” lineup, now through 4/30

Lora Straub Brocone
Published in
4 min readApr 2, 2024


Photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash

If I had a band, I would call it emoshitstorm (lowercase e).

Probably not a groundbreaking announcement, considering the name of this publication.

I’ll never have a band. I’m 37, the mom of a 22-month-old and — this is key— have no musical ability.

But I have the name.

I’ve known it since I was 20. Instead of Taking Back Sunday, or Saves the Day (hero complexes much?), my emo band would wear inner turmoil as their moniker, no need for dyed hair, Misfits tattoos, face piercings or other emo accoutrements.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that!

emoshitstorm’s “deep in feels” oeuvre would speak for itself.

Alas, I’ll never start a band. 17 years later, which un-coincidentally is the average length of time it takes me to check an item off my to-do list, I started this pub exploring mental health — or lack thereof — through humor instead.



Lora Straub Brocone

TMI, emotional, neurodivergent (ADHD edition), funny, funny haha, sentence polisher. Editor of emoshitstorm. Inquiries: Lora.Straub.Brocone@gmail.com