Materializing: Installation

[Installing objects] to make emotions visible and tangible


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What is it for?

Maintaining rituals and changes in culture without any visual cues is difficult. This tool is a process of creating physical forms to visualize abstract concepts and alternative scenarios.


This tool provides designers with a structured method for Materializing emotions which starts with identifying emotions, followed by making it more tangible through metaphors, and continues with creating tangible forms for the emotions. In the end, a series of actions are indicated through the form.

Participants’ State of Mind

stimulated, creative

Level of Complexity (1–5)


Emotion-Centered Design

Use Case

The following illustrates Materializing in action and more specifically, how Installations are made.

1. Materializing: Emotions of Employees
Making visible and tangible the emotional needs of employees.

Design Poetics: Workplace Installations and Rituals for People’s Emotional Well-Being, Matter–Mind Studio

Design Poetic for the Workplace is a design approach that centers around knowledge workers’ emotions. The program helps companies and organizations understand employees’ unstated emotional needs and address them through the customized design of workplace “rituals.”

Combining ritual studies and speculative design process, it reveals the emotional landscape in the workplace, addresses unacknowledged emotions, and proposes new behaviors and interactions.

Image description: In the foreground, two people talk at a big workstation table in a warehouse-style office. In the background hangs a blue curtain that divides a small conference nook. The bottom hem of the curtain is cut in playful, loopy waves. Project and photos by Lillian Tong
Project and photos by Lillian Tong
Project, photos and illustrations by Lillian Tong

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