How to spot ‘good’ mental health

Without using jargon from psychology

Jeev Sahoo
Emotional Fitness — Founders & Teams


Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

People can be great actors, especially when in crisis.

They can beat Oscar awardees in disguising what they feel, and what they show to the external world.

This is disguised as passion at times. In most cases, they are simply scared to show their real feelings to someone else. What if…

Unlike physical symptoms of being unwell, mental wellbeing does not come with easily detectable indicators. Except, if you want to detect them yourself.

Before we see the indicators for knowing that your mental health needs a boost, let’s see three indicators that mean that you are in a good shape.

It is all about how you are feeling now. Not ‘were’ feeling. ‘Are’ feeling, now.

Good mental health indicators

  • I feel happy to make the most of my potential. In helpful situations as well as unhelpful ones. I may not be born happy, but I can be happy. I can start with it by being okay, and then can go into the green zone.
  • I can cope with whatever life throws at me. I know that it’s about surfing the waves, not stopping them. I know that I have an option to catch, deflect or throw back in a different direction. I know that I am in…



Jeev Sahoo
Emotional Fitness — Founders & Teams

Partner, PA Capital #London #fundraise #technology #sustainability #energy #Startups #mentalwellbeing #CBT. Advised 900+ founders. #HECParis #HBS Online #UK