When do we learn it?

One article I read came from a book titled The Educator’s Guide to Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement: Social-Emotional Learning in the Classroom. The chapter I used in my research was “From School to Work: Social-Emotional Learning as the Vital Connection” by Cary Cherniss and Daniel Goleman.

Daniel Goleman is an author and science journalist who is known for his work on Emotional Intelligence. Cary Cherniss is a Psychologist. This chapter stood out to me because it emphasized the importance of developing EQ from a young age. They wrote, “Employers report that too many young people lack the social-emotional competencies that are most critical for success on the job” (Goleman & Cherniss, 2006). Essentially, this means that by the time the younger generation is entering the workforce, they do not have the Emotional Intelligence required of them to excel in their career.

I thought this was a really interesting read because it’s true that schools emphasize the technical hard skills instead of the social soft skills. The authors write that it is indeed important to have these technical skills. However, if two people have the same exact level of technical skill, the person with less social-emotional competency is the one who will get fired. It also mentions how employers have to spend thousands of dollars on workshops to help develop Emotional Intelligence in their employees. By developing programs in schools to build EQ, young people will be better equipped for the workforce and employers will save time and money. Additionally, it’s easier to teach people while they are still young.

The advantages of EQ are immeasurable and it only makes sense we start teaching it at a young age. In today’s society, EQ is essential to personal and professional success and the sooner people can master this skill, the more efficient they will be.


Goleman, D. & Cherniss C. (2006). The educator’s guide to emotional intelligence and academic achievement: social-emotional learning in the classroom. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

