Awakening our Emotional Intelligence

Sangwon Ahn
Emotional intelligence


Instead of calling yourself critical names when you cannot build or break certain habits, you can explore your motivations. You can become a student of yourself rather than always seeking a wiser teacher. — Vironica Tugaleva

Previously on the last 5 stories, I was looking for the skills how to improve my emotional intelligence. I looked back on myself, and I studied and practiced about how to utilize my emotional intelligence to others. In the final story, I am going to find out my EI potential hiding inside me. For this activity, I have brought an article from the university library about this.

2 Factors that Help you to Improve your EI

The article that I bring is “Emotional intelligence ‘increasingly important’ to changing business world.” published by European Union News. In this article, they emphasized the importance of EI in this modern society, and they introduced mainly two things that make your EI better.

1. Mindfulness

Mindfulness means ‘a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.’ According to the article, when “an emotional hijack” happens in your brain, you become only thinking about the threat (2017). However, this takeover can be cured through the practice of mindfulness. In other words, the practice of mindfulness can make them manage their emotions and direct proper thoughts (Mudd 2016).

2. Intrinsic Motivation

In the post, they also said that cultivating the motivation coming from inside(such as the joy of the challenge and solving the task) can give you innovation and build a space for emotional connections with your organizations (2017). Dr. Martyn Newman, who emphasize intrinsic motivation in this article, said: “People need meaning and meaningful relationships to do their best work” (2017). That means we should find out motivation inside ourselves in daily lives to be a person with high EI.

Be Emotional Intelligent

From this article, I learned how to awake my emotional intelligence. Less thinking about the worries and troubles that I have got, more thinking about my motivation and interesting element. With this practice, and former practices that I had done, my EI can reach the next level and it would be a lot of help in my future life.




Sangwon Ahn
Emotional intelligence

University at Buffalo. Sophomore. Accounting Major