Emotional Intelligence: The Soft Skill for Future

Sangwon Ahn
Emotional intelligence
2 min readFeb 26, 2018

There are many soft skills, such as presentation skill, time management, public speaking, etc.. These are the skills that we have to acquire to adapt well to the current working environment. But I believe that those skills can be overcome by ‘Artificial Intelligence,’ so-called ‘AI.’ Whether AI helps human’s soft skill improve or replaces human’s place, in the near future, AI will play a role in them.

It is very important to understand that emotional intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence, it is not the triumph of heart over head — it is the unique intersection of both. -David Caruso

There’s one skill that AI cannot overcome; Emotional Intelligence(EI). According to the dictionary, emotion means “a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.” ‘A natural instinctive state of mind’ cannot be shown by AI which behaves only through calculation. Emotion is not that simple that can be penetrated by calculation. Understanding employee’s circumstance, reading the mood of workplace atmosphere, making a reliable relationship with colleagues or boss, they are all coming from emotion. That is why I think EI is the most important soft skill for me and everyone else who are willing to get a job and that is why I choose this for my research.

The Questions about Emotional Intelligence

I have got several questions for this matter. First of all, I want to know what is a most important element for EI. For improving the skill, I have to know what is significant and what is not. Also, I want to know psychologists and sociologists’ thought of emotional intelligence. Psychology and sociology are key science for emotion so I can get more knowledge of EI. By getting the answer to these questions, I can approach my goal for this project.

What should I do to improve my EI?

My goal for this project is getting a better idea of emotional intelligence and improving my EI skill. I already recognized the importance of EI, so I want to know more about it and how people with high EI skills work. So, to achieve this goal, I would research about my emotion because self-awareness is the first step to become people with high EI. After studying myself, I would start to find articles or stories about emotional intelligence to improve my EI skills. Then, I can test how my emotional intelligence improves in MGG298 class. I have to work with my assigned team for 5 weeks, so this is a good chance.

I have got an opportunity to analyze about EI, which is interesting to me and weak point for me so I wonder what result will come out!



Sangwon Ahn
Emotional intelligence

University at Buffalo. Sophomore. Accounting Major