Identifying my Emotion

Sangwon Ahn
Emotional intelligence
4 min readFeb 26, 2018


Socrates’s injunction “Know thyself” speaks to the keystone of emotional intelligence: awareness of one’s own feelings as they occur. -Daniel Goleman

The first thing to do to understand what other people feel, you should look into yourself, that is what I believe. If you don’t know what you feel, it is obvious that you cannot reach others’ emotion. For that reason, I decided to look back on the activity that I was not taking care much.

Reflect My Emotion & Peer Review

About two weeks ago, I took a test about what personality traits are my signature themes. At that time I got 5 themes; Harmony, Empathy, Relator, Maximizer, and Adaptability. After I had this report, I was just like, “so that is what it is,” because I just did it for other class’s homework. So last weekend, I found that report and read it again. I thought that this is really close to myself, especially the ‘Harmony’ part saying that I concerned about atmosphere so much. But on the other hand, I wonder that people who are close to me also see me as same as the report. So, after I read it, I brought it to one of my close friends and asked that this is really me. He talked me that most of them are quite right but he doesn’t know about the ‘Maximizer’ part. He doubted that I am truly trying to go to the top every time when I am in competition. When I first saw this part, I thought that is right, I always want to be best. But after I listened to him, I considered about myself that I am passionate about all of the competition all the time? I concluded I won’t. It is true I am a little obsessed with A grade and try to win the sports game that I am participated in. However, I am not passionate when I am not interested in at all. Actually, I got B grade in music class last semester. I tried to be in the superior group most of the time, but not all the time. That is what I realized.

Why did I do that?

The reason why I look back on my personality test is this report tells me what am I thinking and feeling. Because I did my best when I took it, the top 5 themes are quite right most of the part. Through this, I want to try to find out what emotion come out from me when I am in some situations. And then, by getting my friend’s reaction, I could think of myself one more time thoroughly. How others see us can be different with how we see ourselves. That is why I was asking my friend to read my report.

Did I learn something?

Yes, I did. The two-time review of my personality test was really helpful for identifying my emotion. Sometimes, I just live my life without thinking about why am I feel so happy or sad when this or that situation happens. With this practice, I could get a chance to have a deep thought about my self-concept. “Know Thyself” is a basic foundation of improving emotional intelligence, so it was a valuable lesson.

Stage 1 Clear?

This is just a beginning. Now I have got a foundation, so naturally, it is time to flesh out. However, I wonder if my foundation of EI is really firm. That is why I decided to research more of myself. Next time, I am going to interpret my emotion when I am in the specific situation. Then, I am going to consider what is my feeling in this situation, and why I have a feeling of that.



Sangwon Ahn
Emotional intelligence

University at Buffalo. Sophomore. Accounting Major