Do Better

Sabina Masanabo
Emotional Pieces
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2018

Oh you make me so mad I hate it.

I hate myself for worry about you when you disappear.

The truth of the matter is…

You’re a grown ass man.

Capable of doing whatever, whenever…

Nothing can happen to you.

Yet in this love train, we ride with great expectation.

Realistic or not.

At least take notice of the little things.

Like how I go out of my way to make you happy.

Do the things I normally wouldn’t do even if they held a gun to my head.

Take notice of how I stack my tears away as soon as I learn that you have had a bad day.

How I put you before myself time and time again.

Do Better

Perhaps I’m the one who knows little about love.

I know you well, therefore why should I expect any better.

I know you only apologize to avoid conflict.

Because if you meant it, you wouldn’t hurt me again.

I know your antics so well, why did I even agree to giving us another try.

Do Better

Because this woman is at a point in her life, where she’s done with all the fighting.

Trying to prove the world wrong, when they were always right about you.

You should treat me a lot better.

Not take my kindness for granted.

As quickly as I gave it, I can take it back.

As warmly as I pulled you close.

I can coldly push you away.

Don’t play or test me.

You out of all people know who I am.

My value.

My worth.

You understand my thought process.

What makes me burst into laughter.

Blush when no one’s looking.

Makes me sleep peacefully.

and also the one thing that makes me tick.

You know how to break me.

Then Lift me.

But my dear I’m no toy that you can fiddle with.

Let me not regret giving you the keys to my house again.

You said you love me.

Now do better.



Sabina Masanabo
Emotional Pieces

The best things in life are often forgotten. It’s about time we remember…