Love, but draw a line.

Sabina Masanabo
Emotional Pieces
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2018

The deeper my feelings grew.

The quicker my feet became.

Run but never hide.

Trust but not too much.

Care but not to the point that it hurts.

Love, but draw a line.

Too quick judge a book by it’s cover.

Quick to walk away once the secrets uncover.

What true colors are left for you to show?

I know you in all colors… HD

Black and white.

Love, but draw a line.

How could the one thing that makes you happy tear you apart?

How could the love of your life not be the one for you?

How can you not learn that putting your hand in the fire will burn it?

After all that pain, why would you want to go through it?

My girl you never learn or pay attention

Those who love you will protect and never hurt you.

Those who care about you would move the world just for you.

There’s no greater truth than the one I’m telling you.

Mum is always right, generations of daughters can prove it…

Obviously after they have been hit by the rod of the world.

After they refused to take warning out of rebellion.

Is it better to learn from your own experience or others?

Do you need to feel pain in order to make a point or understand?

Love, but draw a line.

Take what life throws at you but throw harder.

When the world makes you cry, pick yourself up because you’re stronger.

Even when you don’t feel like it…

When the sky falls beneath your feet.

There’s only one you and I taught you to be a fighter.

A winner.

The more blows I took, I became invincible.

A force to be reckoned with,

A bullet proof experiment

How can we not look at the future with the eyes of the past?

How can we move forward with a fresh eye?

Although I do believe in second chances.

I shouldn’t believe in being foolish twice.

To open up the door for one person to hurt you again.

To allow yourself to be vulnerable, broken down even further.

The question is, will you survive it?

Will I survive another blow to my heart.

I guess you never know when it comes to these things.

Check out some of my other posts

How was your day?

Where our heart resides

Are you in a happy place?

Love: If I had to choose…

Who are you really?

Don’t forget to Clap below. Until we word again!



Sabina Masanabo
Emotional Pieces

The best things in life are often forgotten. It’s about time we remember…