Why are we still together?

Sabina Masanabo
Emotional Pieces
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2017

Do I even want to see you?

Be alone in the same room with you?

Lately all we do is point fingers and pull the trigger at each other.

Are we at war?

Am I the enemy that used to be your lover?

Are these the hard times we never anticipated?

Aren’t we supposed to break through it, conquer, like very other good couple?

Gone are the days when we thought we looked good together.

When every word that came out of your mouth was funny.

And our tiny arguments were cute.

Nowadays the question that keeps pounding my head is…

Why are we still together?

Why do your tiny melt downs cause a tornado inside me?

For a moment in my anger I forget that I loved you.

That there was a time when I did every thing for you.

Granted most of your wishes.

Happily put myself on the firing line for you.

All my emotions have been turned upside down,

You give me no closure. No sleep.

I can’t eat.

You won’t speak to me.

Even when you listen, you don’t understand me.

Not like before.

Which makes me realize that the lie we’ve been telling is actually the truth we haven’t been brave enough to share.

Why are we still together?

Do you still want to share your heart with me?

Am I still the apple of your eye…

The glimmer of hope when there’s no sunrise,

The only real thing a person can hold on to?

Or are you a picture in my head I refuse to see clearly?

A sad memory I remember as happy for the sake of coping.

Shame on me for being a coward.

For not being openly open about how I truly feel.

And the reason why I blame you tirelessly.

Is the same reason why I hide myself behind bold statements and make-up.

Where did the compliments go?

Through the window and out the door.

Why are we still together?

Honestly, my reflection doesn’t please me.

Therefore I’m almost as hard on you as I am to myself.

I spank you in the morning and give myself a good lashing in the afternoon.

Why I loathe certain parts of my existence? Beats me.

Every fight I have within me becomes a fight with you.

How do you still want me?

Let alone feel love for me.

Again I’m bothered by the same question.

Why are we still together?



Sabina Masanabo
Emotional Pieces

The best things in life are often forgotten. It’s about time we remember…