Feelings vs Emotions

Simon Blake
Emotional Preparation
10 min readSep 3, 2022

Feelings vs Emotions

Knowing the difference for yourself between Feelings vs Emotions can enhance personal growth. Defining for yourself your personal tools can lead you to successes. Healthy relations develop with boundaries of knowing difference between the two elements of self.

What are Feelings

Feelings are Fleeting and important inclinations of occurring events. You may have a feeling to be in a certain location or speak to the right person to get the dream job. Feelings and instincts do connect but also connect to Logic.

Feelings are essential and essences to how we observe and receive. How we express our feelings will lead to how we shift into our emotions. If we resist having our own healthy opinions, feelings and instincts we could limit ourselves from emotional experiences. In essence, we must let go of the logic of our feelings to enter into the depth of our emotions.

Feelings are the conscious space of thought. Many people are influenced by rumors instead of facts to have feelings about a topic or situation that may not in application be an outcome.

Relationships are healthier the more that feelings are defined. Feelings connect to initiation of boundaries in relationships.

Feelings and Emotion Releases

Releases of Feelings are the freedom to release thoughts and opinions you have. Actors and everyday people need and express their feelings usually from above their chest cavities.

Many Feelings can be only opinions that are authentically believed.

Having a feeling about a rumor or claimed fact will come from above the shoulders of an Actor who is on stage releasing the logic of that feeling.

When an emotion releases it releases from the gut or bellow the chin. The conviction of emotion will resonate with the person in a less tanging way and more of themselves will be expressed with the expression.

Releases of Emotions let go from within you and have a conviction with more depth than feelings do.

Are all Feelings Fleeting

Feelings are based out of initial insight, instincts and inclinations. Inclinations are very important in communication as they are receiving receptors in communication. When an Actor receives another Actor they will listen from different parts of themselves that will be seeable through their body language. The stimulus of physical sensation will be limited of emotional response remaining a conscious experience.

Many Actors want to break through this conscious level in their performing in Actor. Being able to find that gear to switch in acting is being able to find the difference within yourself of your own opinions, feelings and emotions.

How Feeling and Emotions Differ

To use feelings and emotions interchangeably doesn’t serve the person expressing. The emotional state of the expresser releases from different areas of themselves between emotions and feelings. The neuroscience of the brain connects to the psychology of body motions and body postures.

The interesting parts of acting to an audience is watching a feeling within an actor switch from the logical feelings to the emotional physical state. A visceral expression of human emotions liven the script and acting Imaginary Circumstances.

Which Comes First Feelings or Emotions?

Feelings are before Emotions. Thoughts are before Feelings. Thoughts turn to feelings which are inclinations which do not get fully confirmed until they change into intense emotions. Emotions don’t have to be intense in specific ways of fear or greed but may also be positive emotions.

Emotion and Feelings Differences

External Stimuli tell the difference between feelings being activated or emotions being activated. Think of emotions as being mature and feelings as being abundant inclinations. The core emotions an of an actor do not lead to feelings, but the feelings lead to the emotions. When a moment changes to a new moment in acting and life, there is an adjustment of both emotions activated and fresh feelings associated with the moment adding to the present real-time events.

Learning the difference in human behavior will better your experiences as an audience in theater, art and film.

Emotions manifest changing in reality to the playwrights script. As the Actors explore their inclinations they identify their emotions.

Range of Emotions

The ability to access a range of emotions directly affects your talent. Talent is key in acting. Many actors feeling they can push the reality have big market share but short careers because they lack the talent of expanding their emotional ranges.

The body sensations come from different places with the different emotional ranges. Emotions get developed in certain areas of yourself the more you explore what’s the difference.

Do Emotions Have Emotions?

It is critical in acting that feelings arise as interaction occurs, which is how you know you are being real as an Actor. However, based upon the fact that once an Emotion is activated the feeling develops with mature transformation a pit in the stomach is often the bodily sensations.

After this initiation into expression your emotion tries to connect to find more expressive interaction when often times an additional feeling turns into a 2nd emotion. This is when an Emotion has another emotion. The person to person contact of two lovers will have more than one emotion activated. This is why the more feelings you have going on and activated the more feelings will turn into a larger emotional experience.

How Thought Processes Connect to Feelings

You will often hear the advice from Acting Teachers to be open minded. Feelings require discipline to remain open within Actors and everyday normal folks. It is better to think with openness which gifts you the ability to feel more. Thoughts and Feelings work in tandem with each other to keep the individual open to life experience.

Feelings vs Thoughts

A thought is pure logic and feeling is an activated inclination.

You can have the thought that someone is good, bad or simply not your cup of tea. Having feelings about if the person is good, bad or simply a cup of tea will start you interacting internally with your own inclinations. Feelings can and do work with imagination in order to determine different feelings about potential situations.

Thoughts and feelings aren’t the same thing. When you’re feeling the thought your inclining things about the thought more than just the thought itself.

What Influences Emotions? Feelings of Course

When it comes to a past experience Emotions need Feelings to reactivate them into expressions. The influences of emotions are of course your feelings, instincts, and inclinations. Feelings are inclinations essentially tied to thought.

If you remember a point in you life you can find the particular emotion with the help of your feelings. You mind works to respond to the stress and anxiety you recollect which will make you able to feel activated thought process of feelings. The more you activate your feelings thought processes the more your feelings will be likely to trigger the deeper emotions.

Your basic emotions will experience fear or range or the emotion that your mind has attached to that feeling. Some emotions originate from thoughts and some from feelings. Inclinations of feelings also included visceral effects like sensations related to the emotions. When feelings become activated fully emotions become aware and are often triggered.

How Emotion and Feelings work Together with Maturity

Maturity of Feelings are really important for Actors. Having an instinct that only works from feelings will not mature into a deep feeling or change into an emotion. Emotions that all humans activate always have a relationship with the inclinations of feelings. Psychology of your emotions relate directly to the thoughts that your feelings create.

Difference of How Emotions vs Feelings Mature

Actually feeling a feeling will lead you to being opinionated and flamboyant. Actually maturing your emotions will take you into the depths of your soul and your emotional needs vs the observations of your feelings.

A matured feeling is a observation of a persistent inclination. A matured Emotion is an activation of a deep emotional internal state. A feeling that is mature is more certain than a fleeting moment but a emotion that is matured is certain and grounded internally, not just observation or assumption.

Depth of Emotion vs Feelings

The Depth of Emotion will help you understand how you are in your natural and raw state. The Depth of your feeling will instead define the clarity of your observation and inclination of feeling. Feelings need confirmations to become facts. Feelings require emotions in order to express their depth when they mature into deep feelings.

Your emotional engine turns gears when a feeling turns from just an inclination receptor into an emotion.

Understand Emotions have more Depth

Understanding your emotional self is your job towards humanity. Rather than looking outward towards the way of looking that other control your internal self, look inward to express your depth to the outside world. Interaction is the element that may help you gain insight to be able to understand your own emotions.

Cognition of emotion require some sort of introspection with interaction. The interaction with your emotion could be a self involved activity like assembling a bicycle you need to get to your work or repairing a tent you need for a camping trip.

How to Accept the Depth of your Emotions?

Actors use interaction in acting activity exercises to accept the depth of their emotions. Other adult activities that work to process emotions are adult coloring books, building a ship in a bottle, other semi difficult tasks that focus on a doing that allows processing.

Grounding Your Feelings to Become Emotions

Grounding your Feelings is a technique in a process called Emotional Preparation in acting. Emotional Activation relies upon activating either a feeling or an emotion to ground within it until it starts to affect the Actor internally. Once the internal Emotional Activation sparks a flow of emotion which could have started as a feeling will be ready for interaction.

Finding the skills to achieve turning an feeling into an emotion is the definition of the craft of acting. Normal everyday people can use activities to ground their feelings to determine self reflection. Self reflection of feelings can take them deeper to find the Emotional undercurrent.

Can Feelings be Measured?

The reality to measuring your feelings is difficult because we are always changing and developing. Emotions that feelings start the process of literally change from a feeling of inclination to a solid force of emotion. Emotion can be measured in depth but is difficult to compare from one person to another.

The human growth that occurs when emotion comes our from working with these talents will change the psychology and physiology of the individual. Hence, the individual will recognize and access emotions or feelings in a different way. The differences in experiencing both emotions and feelings will be a satisfaction of growth for the individual.

Understand The Difference with Emotions

A couple of examples of emotions are the layers that get created when they are activated. It is key to note that emotions cannot just turn on a dime once activated. When we feel our emotions we gain the layers of emotional life in both life and acting.

When we find emotional depth it will come into ourselves like a roaring tide coming on shore and emotions will leave us in a layered way. Feelings on the other hand are fleeting until they become serious. The flirting of Feelings will lead to quick transitions being there one moment and changed the next.

Emotions can be Short-Lived

Many Emotions when first working with them will be short-lived. They will still be layers in order to release them but the emotional expression will be short lived pending upon the talent of the individual.

Actors who work with their emotions all the time will be able to keep up their emotional ranges in their acting for longer. People first experiencing emotions will have the expressions of their emotional outbursts not last that long.

Difference Between Feelings and Emotions

So to recap the differences between feelings and emotions one has to see the components of both. If you are able to identify when you have an inclination and know that difference to when you have an emotional state activated you will be more in control. Actors work hard to gain this control in their craft of acting so audiences can related cleanly to both their feelings, instincts and their emotions.

How Emotions Impact Behavior

Responsiveness will be affected when emotions are activated. Activated emotions will affect how well a person responds. Often Actors will say they have gotten into their character when they have been successful in full emotional activation in their acting.

Emotions Trigger Physiological Responses

Physiological responses are part of the rides people take having emotions. It is important to note that some psychologists will say that any emotion expressed is a mental illness and a sign of a person not being in control. Emotional Triggers will have visceral effects on the individuals the same way they do to Actors when they are training to act.

Difference Between Emotions and Feelings and Thinking

Thinking is at the top of the Emotional Triangle for Actors. Beneath Thinking is Feelings, Beneath Feelings are Emotions.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is both knowing the definitions of book smart differences between emotions and knowing the emotional abilities within yourself.

Feelings can be Provocation of Emotion

It is a true thing that feelings can be a provocation that Emotions get stirred up once thought about. If you have a fresh memory that you have many feelings about you may be able to produce an activated emotion readily.

Copyright 2022 Simon Blake, All Rights Reserved.



Simon Blake
Emotional Preparation

Simon Blake is avid in both acting training. Emotional Activation in Acting.