How to Access Your Talent as an Actor

How to Access Your Talent as an Actor

Simon Blake
Emotional Preparation
6 min readSep 5, 2022


Acting is about Talent when its in its purest form. Talent is the ability to interact with Emotional weight. When an Actor connects their acting work to different types of materials they gain a real-time experience. An Actor’s feeling is connected to their thought processes. Beneath the feelings of the Actor lies their emotions.

How Directors Help Actors

Directors want Actors to showcase in interaction what is internally stimulated in their emotions. It takes getting over initial nervousness to gain having an external experience. The artistic accountable factors are a guideline that Directors help Actors achieve. Directors will help with articulation exercises, movement exercises and Improvisational exercises towards rehearsing towards final scene outcomes.

What Kind of Acting Do You Want to Do Most

One of the best Questions for Actors to answer is what type of Actors they want to become. Developing your acting skills directly relates to the type of acting you want to do. Decide what kind of actor you want to be so you can gain experience for your resume in those areas.

How to become an Actor in the ranges you desire will require to start to learn the special skills required. If you want to expand the chances of your getting cast you can start to learn the skills like horseback riding, Learning Leather work, carpentry, plumbing work and others. Check the list of Acting Activities and decide which are special skills that are unique enough to put on your acting resume.

Secondly, start to write down the types of emotions that you want to work with. What types of emotions are you able to have easy memories about and which emotions are you interested in studying. These are the types of scene work you want to start with that match your emotional interests.

Acting is an Opportunity To Discover Yourself

How to develop your acting skills after knowing the types of discovery you want to achieve is the next challenge. An Emotions Journal is a vital part of building your talent towards acting. What experiences do you dream of wanting to take part in? What things do you loose track of time when you concentrate on them.

There are Actors who only focus on performing what the audience notices as they try to portrait a style to convince audiences of the scene, then there are Actors that base their acting on Interaction.

Interaction is the essence of involved Doing. Doing that forces your reality on another is abuse. Activating yourself through involvement and interaction means that you are receiving the other actor and having a co-existing experience with them.

Casting Yourself into an Unknown

When you find acting to be fun it will often be when you are entering new experiences. New experiences activate your imagination actively. When you get a talent agent and are auditioning for the role if you can leap into an unknown experience and live it out in real-time you will be more likely to signed with that agency.

The casting of yourself into an unknown situation is part of the talent of acting.

The Role of Emotion within the Actor

The Guide to Acting is within the role of Emotion. Industry opportunities will come to those who really work at making their emotions accessible. You may find that you need to join a theater group to keep acting and practicing with your emotions.

The role of emotion within the Actor is beyond the busyness stuff of a scene. Emotions themselves will affect how you do something and create the way you do something to be unique to you. Emotions you are inspiring will have a visceral effect on you.

Emotional Preparation in Acting and Emotional Activation

Once you learn to find your spontaneity to take the leap into new experiences you will next need to learn Emotions.

Finding your emotions for acting requires a want to develop yourself towards earning your scenes. You are not adding emotion so that you can own the scene or try to own the other in your scene work. Adding Emotional Preparation actually helps to give depth of undercurrent and sparks of interaction in your acting.

There is a key thing to know about Emotion and Acting. The invaluable process called Emotional Preparation in acting requires Emotional Activation in order to work for you. Emotional Activation is the self stimulation of your own emotion just prior to your acting work.

When you prepare for a scene you need more than just the book knowledge of what the emotional range is for the scene. With Emotional Activation you gain the expressive self stimulated emotion and activate from your own emotional experiences. This is why Emotional Preparation with self activation is so close to the exact definition of what is talent in acting.

Emotion is the Breakdown That Gifts Actors Access

Emotions are the gifts to acting that only the skilled actors are able to get started. By changing the way you start a scene by changing the emotion prior to the scene work you can explore differences when cold reading and this will lead to inevitably constantly working as an Actor.

Each Commercial Audition has an Emotional Range

If you are a performer in Shakespeare, theatre, or doing a monologue on self-tape you can find the emotional range of your material. Agents generally will know the emotional range of a scene while they are casting for new talent. If you can find the emotional range within yourself and self activate it the emotion will spark from you during your acting.

You Don’t Need An Agent to Be an Actor

Many Actors have the submission that they are not actors without an Agent. However, it is simply not true that you need an agent to be an Actor.

Freelance Actors are abundant and have abilities to interact in acting without headshots, film and tv roles or doing performance after performance. Many Actors do plays after plays without ever having an agent represent them. It is possible these days to currently represent yourself over the internet rather than paying for and working with an agent or agency.

Talent Agents Don’t Make you Talented

Your ability to have talent is your ability to study and learn acting. When you review what has worked for yourself and what has not you may find that you maintain a strong aptitude within yourself without input from your Talent Agent.

Young Actors often feel that the feedback from their agents are making or breaking their careers. It is true that agents can have great feedback if they match and work well with Actors. Boutique agencies can ideally spend more time with their clients and even teach them simple acting techniques. You have to decide your own road on how to find the emotions for your own work in acting.

Why Acting Auditions are Just Another Acting Opportunity

When you treat acting auditions as another rehearsal towards your acting career you empower yourself not to be attached to the results.

Signing a Contract with an Agency

8 Popular Casting Agencies are the Paradigm Talent Agency, Creative Artists Agency (CAA), United Talent Agency (UTA), Innovative Artists, Agency for the Performing Arts (APA), A3 Artists Agency, William Morris Endeavor (WME), The Gersh Agency.

Submit Contract to Casting Director

When you agency submits a contract to a Casting Director for one role you are given sides to that part for which you will audition for. Explore those audition materials to find that meaning of the dialogue to the original intent of the playwright. Then have the insight to find that similar emotional current within yourself.

Signing a Contract with Yourself

The most important signature of contract you can do is with Yourself. Acting takes courage to do. Doing acting requires constantly finding the emotions within yourself so you can put those emotions into interaction and dedication.

Why Your Voice is Important

Putting your own voice into your acting will put you within the experience you do when acting. The kind of work when you have real-time experiences will gift you response, and tone in your voice. When you add your own spark of emotion into your acting you will be more readily able to believe the other actor.

Copyright 2022 Simon Blake, All Rights Reserved.



Simon Blake
Emotional Preparation

Simon Blake is avid in both acting training. Emotional Activation in Acting.