What is Emotional Preparation Technique

Simon Blake
Emotional Preparation
16 min readDec 13, 2022

What is Emotional Preparation Technique

What is Emotional Preparation? Self Activation. Self Activate an Emotion TO Interact by Receiving Others is the KEY. It is most common to associate with the Meisner Technique for Actors. Emotional Preparation is the art of emotional self-stimulation using acting craft. Internal Emotions can be warmed up for acting. Activated Emotions become Interactive when released. Crafting Emotions is the future of acting.

Using Emotional Preparation leaves a person ready to be affected by another. Entering the “Imaginary Circumstances” of your scene is stimulating. After self stimulating an Emotional Range you leap into the Imaginary Circumstances. The acting technique process practices your ability to activate your emotional ranges. It is key for Actors to learn.

Emotional Preparation is the Individual Approach of each Actor. It is an art to find and self activate your own emotions. Learning how to self activate unpleasant emotions are part developing acting technique. The craft of achieving singular emotions activates an emotional range. Emotional Preparation Technique proves your talent.

Paying Attention after using Emotional Preparation Technique

When you prepare emotionally, you are more likely to be successful in your craft, and that’s why we’re here to help. Emotional preparation is a practice of the actor become more in tune with their emotions. The ability to identify how their emotions are affecting their performance.

It is a way to strengthen the connection between actors and connect to the emotion to the story. Acting is not just about emotional expression. Acting also about understanding how emotions can be used to bring life to a real time experience. Positive emotions are part of personal expressions. Most playwrights write to include negative emotions in scripts. Actors must learn to activate their positive emotions and their negative emotions. Pleasant emotions can be just as difficult to self activate as negative.

Practicing emotional preparation techniques can help an actor better understand their emotional range. The keys are to learn your own emotional access points. The goals are to help understand how their own emotions affect your performance. This can help an actor to become more in tune with their craft and bring new levels of depth to their performance.

At www.EmotionalPreparation.com, Simon has created a comprehensive series of exercises. Exercises to help you understand emoti and practice emotional preparation technique build talent. The exercises are designed to be used in conjunction with Meisner technique training. Anyone doing acting can add Emotional Preparation to their work. We have created an online platform to make it easy to access and practice the exercises. The goal of Emotional Preparation is to interact with a current emotional state. One key to emotions working is to have freedom without controlling the outcome.

We believe that emotional preparation is an essential part of any actor’s training. It is not just about acting, but about understanding how emotions can be used to bring life to the character. Emotional preparation can help an actor to access their emotional range. The more you become more in tune with your craft the better. Emotional situations in acting exercises builds talent.

Copyright 2019–2022 Simon Blake

BEING Before DOING is key in acting!

Doing is Interaction in acting!

Don’t Exercise without Emotional Weight!


Actors who enter a scene with emotion has been more successful in the art form for centuries. The use of Emotional Preparation has been achieved by some Actors but not all. Emotional wellness is a factor in acting. To achieve emotional wellness an actor must release their acting baggage. Releasing acting baggage after acting will help achieve future successful Emotional Preparation Technique.

It takes both the persistence and patience to achieve its craft. The following article answers the basics of Emotional Preparation. Learn how it assists Actors in their participation within scenes. The traditional uses of Emotional Preparation was only for the prior moment. Learn how Emotions work in with the emotional life of the scene.

Some Key Quotes of Acting Article:

“Working with things that stimulate you is completely different than working with things that don’t.”

“Using Emotional Preparation effectively involves being the raw nerve. Activate your Raw nerve to stimulate the depth of your emotion. Wait until your affected to justifying your own actions. “

“It is essential for the Actor to realize that the only way they can work with Preparation is to release it “

Copyright 2019, 2022 Simon Blake

What is Emotional Preparation Technique

Working with Emotional Preparation

The majority of Artists and Actors work without Emotional Preparation. The Actors impulses if done well come off of the other Actor. You need to take in the situations circumstance from the others point of view as well as your own. The Actor is affected with interactive moment in their acting which emotion effects. Starting as a raw nerve will help what actually stimulates them. Without Emotional Preparation the only stimulus Actors have to work from is spontaneity. Working with only the real time event of the scene’s happenings. With emotion Actors can highlight their different emotional ranges which color interaction.

If the Actor is attentive and available, they will likely be responsive. Even without dialogue or preplanning emotions affect acting. If the Actor is unable to allow themselves to be affected they are blocked. They may try to indicate or perform junctures within their scenes. Working without Emotional Preparation gives the Actor less to work with. Not having Emotional Preparation will have the actors have less going on inside. Emotions need to internally build. Without emotion actors have less responsiveness prepared to be able to interact with.

To answer what is Emotional Preparation Technique one has to look at themselves. Emotional responses are deeper than the inclinations of feelings. Feelings stay open so emotions can function. Underlying emotions need to be free to express themselves. Interact when feelings are open and receptive.


What is Emotional Preparation

The topic of Emotional Preparation is a fascinating. Both Actors and audiences connect through emotion. There is a stark difference when the Actor are using Emotional Preparation.

Emotional Preparation is an addition to the spontaneous acting functions and processes. An Actor chooses to add Emotional Preparation. By choosing their own emotion they can improve the having of an experience during the scene.

When Emotional Preparation is done well it meshes into the functioning of the scenes. Emotion helps events to occur naturally within the scenes. The last step of Emotional Preparation is Activation. Activating emotion adds vulnerability to the Actor. Emotions create slight vulnerability and places actors within their own emotional truth. Working on specific emotions will help you find your emotional trigger. Be an athlete emotions want to interact with. Strong emotions are just as important as subtle emotions.

Understand that it is the added self-stimulations of the Actor prior to the event of the scene. The emotional self-stimulation is prior to the scenes happening. The internal stirring up of emotional life in the Actor helps create reality. The Actor stimulates their own responses to internally be stimulated.

What is Emotional Preparation Technique for Actors

At www.EmotionalPreparation.com, Simon is committed to helping actors achieve their goals. Take your acting to the next level. Believe that emotional preparation is an essential part of any actor’s training. Simon is here to help you understand and practice it. Human emotion is an internal and external ride when they come out as expression. Negative emotions such as fear need more time to relax from to be able to keep authentic.

Emotional Preparation Technique is used to help actors better comprehend their experiences. It helps interpret their roles. It helps them to be emotionally present. It helps to react in an authentic way to the improvisational scenes they are presented with. Emotional reactions require consistent Emotion practice. Finding negative emotional states require special attention. Emotional recollection is one technique to practice successful Emotional Preparation. When working with negative emotions you need time to have breaks. It is important to debrief your acting baggage after working.

EPT is an incredibly effective tool for actors. It helps them to better interpret their roles. EPT helps understand the emotions of the character they are portraying. It also helps them to interpret and express their own emotions. Finding the depth of actors emotions in a more powerful ways is Talent. Making actors more believable and realistic in their performance.

EPT focuses on the actor being emotionally prepared for any given scene or situation. It starts off with the actor understanding their emotion. Activating the Emotional Range creates the appropriate emotional response in real time. The actor then second works on the body language, tone of voice, and even facial expressions.

The goal is not to convince another but rather to have an experience.

Can You Have Too Much Preparation?

Yes. When an Actor has too much preparation they will create an emotional block. An emotional block will not interact well with any spontaneity. If you hindered too much by your emotion you will need to adjust the depth of your emotional activation. Emotional Preparation strategies require experimentation. You want to achieve the full emotional landscape in your acting. You need to have an emotional connection in your acting.

Example: Instead of Doing Deep Actor Preparation on child passing away use alternative. Use a parent passing away. Or, change the preparation to a pet to lessen the depth of emotion you entice. Another technique is to go further back than a more recent memory. This way you work from a place with truth of emotion yet have less heavy of an emotional weight. Be more spontaneous and responsive in your acting improvisations and scene work.


What is Emotional Preparation for the Serious Actor

How Can I Be Emotionally Prepared?

Journal writing first place many Professional Actors and Aspiring actors start. Writing their emotional experiences is a key. Emotional Experiences are times in life where they feel an emotional highlight. Building from real life is an artform that you can perfect in a way to build consistency in your acting. Emotional information is deeper the suspicions and inclinations of feelings.

After you find an emotional stimuli you need to release control. In order to fully realize the present moment you need freedom. Emotional discipline is developing the acting technique. Acting Technique develops to release trying to control the outcome. Expect if you release control you will feel an emotional arousal during interaction. Finding your emotional honesty will help you become authentic.

You know you are doing Emotional work because you will feel the influence of the emotion. The feelings will be deeper than just inclinations. The emotional influence will hold a weight that you activated. The emotion will affect the timing of your expressions in acting and your scene work. Emotional coping strategies are a hinderance to full expression.

You are working correctly when your timing is effected after activating Emotional Preparation. You will be certain your learning to be under an emotional influence. You want to be under your own emotional influence not someone else’s. Learn for certain you have done something to successfully affect yourself.

Next, is to determine what and how you affected yourself by. Are you specific to an emotional range? Are you receiving your acting partner within your improvisation or scene. Allow your scene partner to be your guide by listening and receiving.

Emotional preparation is a series of exercises and techniques that help actors develop. Scene preparation is developing emotional awareness before they begin to work. Preparation helps actors to become more in tune with their own emotions. Deep preparations will naturally keep you in a range within your scene. The more aware of the emotions of their scene partners the more your receiving them. Bring more depth and authenticity to your performances.

The emotional preparation technique begins with a series of reflective exercises. Simon calls Emotional Preparation the Being side of the Acting work. These exercises help you to gain an understanding of your own emotions. Acting with your activated emotions help you learn self expression. Improvisations using your emotions help you learn how to interact.

Noticing the subtle or drastic differences with your scene partner. The improvisation rehearsals help build layers of depth for scenes. By focusing on these emotions, you can learn how to control them and use them to your advantage in a scene. Once you have gained an understanding of your own emotions go for that ride. Letting go of control of your emotions, you’ll be ready to begin working on your Meisner technique.

The Meisner technique is based on the idea of repetition and spontaneity. Acting requires actors to constantly be in a state of emotional readiness. This means that they must be able to tap into their emotions quickly. To accurately make the scenes believable and engaging interaction is key. After activating Emotional Preparation sparks your emotional journey. The emotional journey will relinquish your emotional timing with your acting partner. This of course is a balance of emotional health even within the scene.

Actors need to work on their Reading!

Finding your Internal Stimulations

Finding your internal stimulations means finding your meanings. There are all kinds of ways that Actors can find internal stimulation. Journalling is one way to mine your meaning. As you discover what is emotional preparation your technique will change to fit you.

What is key is to find real stimulations that really “make your blood boil” or that really affect you. You want to find things that you care about. Find things that you resonate with rather than things that you do not give any focus or intent to.

Knowing yourself takes time and effort to achieve. Realizing who you are takes time and reflection. Some through hard work can learn more about who they are earlier on. It is ideal to consider what artistically motivates your interests. When you are finding your emotions for acting look within.

Finding the intensities of your passions to match those in the script! Acting is an emotional ordeal if you are fully utilizing your own talent. The awareness of emotional needs is incredibly important. Having the craft in acting of letting go is the discipline that builds your talent. Unpleasant emotions are more difficult for many to work with.

Using negative emotions require enough attention not to get stuck in it. The negative affect after your acting exercises often lead to drinking too much. Actors love to believe they have to marry their negative emotions. You do not need your acting baggage from scenes in life. Learn to have acting technique. Activate your emotions for your work then let go of them in life.

Working with things that stimulate you is completely different. When you are working with things that don’t work you will be less stimulated. Find what matters to you to start is working with Emotional Preparation Technique. Next is to be willing to use that in your own work.

Many actors do not need much to get much. Some actors are really actually stimulated than without very much stimulation. Some actors will easily have a response to your acting partners and to the circumstances. If you work out of your mind you will get stuck in your logic. Logic will not find what is emotional preparation for you. Logic is the feeling that nothing is happening.

The activation key is inside of your ability to internally recognize what moves you. Emotions becoming active will make you an Actor with more reactivity and spontaneity.

What is Emotional Preparation Technique upset Actor

You need to be willing to enter into an unknown unpredictable circumstance. This is key. You need to know you are entering a situation where you do not know the outcome.

You determine which part of your inner life you will activate. Your activated emotion has not yet decided upon the outcome.

What is Emotional Preparation is the baseline for adding grit to an Actors repertoire. It gains the traction of meaning into the work of the Actor. Positive emotions can spontaneously occur in your acting.

Experiencing pleasant emotions in full freedom is often a daunting and difficult. Finding emotion find both pleasant emotions and negative emotions difficult. It is true everyone thinks pleasant emotions are easy, but then you hit real happiness or glee and it rocks you. Experiencing positive emotions actually take work to achieve with full freedom.

You may find a genuine and caring inside of yourself. Are you willing to release it into expression? Can you stimulate it and have it available for the scene? It may bounce off that sincerity to create an entirely different event to occur in you. Can you adjust and allow that initial spark of emotion to form into something else.

Emotional Preparation is not for the purpose of executing your inner emotional outburst. You stir up emotion but rather an impetuous reality. Instead of forcing your expression, instead choose to listen. That grounds your work in meaning rather than results.

Many Actors who focus to obtain results. What is Emotional Preparation is useful for is to warm up your emotion. Train yourselves to obtain an unknown outcome. Whatever they stimulate may work into your acting improvisations or not.

You may stir up great anger about their own life and get to the door and have it change to compassion. This is NORMAL. Rather than use that as a baseline of reflection use it as a purposed track be fluid. Adjust to the other Actor and the scene.

Many Actors attend acting class just to find victims they can unleash upon. Not when Simon’s teaching. Actors unleash on in improvised acting exercises taking licenses that are not realistic. Using Emotional Preparation effectively involves being raw. The raw nerve is actively stimulated but not in action. Receiving your partner until affected with the other justifying your own actions.

Emotional Preparation is not about finding the hatred or love in oneself and applying it to a scene. Emotional Preparation is finding the hatred or love and exploring what is it like having it. Activating any emotion activated in you. Your behaviors change and adjust based on what is internally stimulated. Really resonate realities when interaction occurs rather than forced actions.

Misdirected films try to force Actors actions. Instead, activate the Actors upset inner desires towards interaction. Don’t try to direct the interaction of the actors. Only adjust interactions through Emotional Preparation adjustments. This is a very PRO note.

Conflict is not permission to inflict outwardly onto other Actors or just into the scene. Caution needs to be adhered to when intense and extreme behaviors are trained. It benefits the scenes functions very little to express extreme inner emotional life. What is far more effective is an open wound that is trying to acquire healing. Looking at a raging aholic that only wants revenge then realizes their compassion. This is the type of emotional journey you want to acquire.

Choosing Your Acting Preparation

Despite what is Emotional Preparation to others you can choose what it is for yourself. Work at the level you are at. Encompass a greater degree of awareness by Adjusting emotions to the other. The inclusion of your emotional life takes extra work. If you choose your Emotional Preparation in ways that leave open the results you will find more. If your inner stimulations don’t help you explore than try different emotional ranges.

Implement the results of your being emotional only through interaction. . Successful Emotional Preparation requires Choices of Emotional Ranges before activation. Emotional Activation is the step after choosing your acting preparation.

Choosing your Emotional Preparation to be intense but not extreme assists you. Being able to stay open and reflective with your situation rather than mean and upset is ideal. Without hearing or interacting within your scene your acting will suck. Finding the balance of depth instead of extremities. Emotional Preparation is a grown-up decision. The secure Actor will not try to sell out to their emotions for immediate shock values.

Choosing personal elements in your work is the part of your work that is your craft. You craft the depth of your Emotional Preparation so that it can work for you and not control you. When you stay away from the extremes you nurture depth. Gain the ability to be influenced instead of crafting feelings into planned expressions. Be stimulated by what your Emotional Preparation does to you. How does that added emotion affect how you listen to the other actor.

It has done and remain open to what is the real time event of the scene. Emotional events are deeper then the inclination of feeling. Expanding your emotional life is the result of working with good acting technique.

Simon specializes in helping actors to develop their emotional preparation skills. Our program combines reflective exercises, Meisner technique drills, and a supportive environments. To help you become the best actor you can be interact with Simon today. Simon believes that emotional preparation is essential for successful Meisner technique training. ALL Actors can benefit understanding what is Emotional Preparation. We’re committed to helping you unlock the power of the Meisner technique.

If you’re looking to take your acting to the next level, contact us. Learn more about Simon’s program and how it can help you to become the best actor you can be. Our mission is to help you develop the emotional skills. Unlock the power of the Meisner technique and take your acting to the next level.

What to do with Emotional Preparation?

Expand your emotional life with Emotional Preparation. Now that we have answered what is Emotional Preparation, we can answer what to do with it. The first thing to learn to do with it is to let it go. Let go of the Emotional Preparation by releasing it. Release all your expectation of results. Express in a way that the other can see it but not in a way that performs it to them. It takes work finding an emotional Trigger to activate. Activate for a specific emotional range towards a scene is the key.

It does little good to force your Emotional Preparation in the face of the other Actors. Your job is to have the emotion not perform it. Receive who you are working with. Trust that emotion will work itself into your interaction. Doing so may have an immediate impact but be short lived. It is far better to let your Emotional Preparation be there but not perform its obviousness. The intensity of the scenes can build in the subtleties. Self-evident realities rather than performed or blaming the other for your emotional state.

Choosing to release yourself stimulated Emotional Preparation is a grown-up way. You want to be a participant in the scene and not be an Actor pontificating a scene. Really being upset is a gain rather than decrease when you add freedom. When the upset will pour out of you as spontaneous as possible it is most beneficial.

It is essential for the Actor to realize that the only way they can work with Preparation is to release it. Allowing it to intertwine within their work. If the Actor pontificates their emotional state they limit their responsiveness. Actors will lose genuine connections with their acting partners and circumstances.

Finding your Preparation is key for both Acting and Music. Music is an incredible practice tool of techniques as well as acting exercises. Finding your own emotion is part of being an artist in your desired craft.

Copyright 2022 Simon Blake



Simon Blake
Emotional Preparation

Simon Blake is avid in both acting training. Emotional Activation in Acting.