New Message to Our Community

Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2018
Photo by Andrei Lazarev on Unsplash

Stegos, our new name, better reflects our new marketing focus on being the fastest and most scalable privacy coin! Stegos is from steganography, the hiding of data in pictures. Stegos will give you your privacy back and keep you safe from prying eyes!

The team has stayed the same, including our genius cryptographer, VP of Engineering, etc. We are hiring even better programmers. The technology is staying basically the same.

We are still scalable but have a more sustainable blockchain now. Other blockchains will explode if you continually feed them thousands of transactions per second! Ours will not and could run on billions of mobile devices!

We will be confidential and untraceable thanks to improvements on zk-SNARKS, Bulletproofs etc. There will be no natural language smart contracts but no one was interested in those when few even know what to use smart contracts for.

There will be no refunds, the contract you signed says so. What we will have is an ICO and ERC20 contract, in Singapore.

We are still focused on making this project a success and we’ll soon be releasing a new whitepaper, technical paper, roadmap, etc. The number of tokens stays the same but we will seek to reduce the amount raised.

To summarize, the technology will be improved, token economics will stay the same or will be improved, there’s a marketing focus on being the most scalable and fast privacy coin.

Most people seem to care less about the technical underpinning than their tokens so we want to emphasize that their tokens are safe and the future is bright, albeit delayed.

Stay tuned for updates and join us on Discord!

