Check Your Expectations at the Door

Expectations Serve a Purpose, but they Often Cause More Harm than Good

Empath Survival Guide


Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Per Mariam-Webster, an expectation is defined as

1: the act or state of expecting: ANTICIPATION in expectation of what would happen.

2: something expected; not up to expectations — expectations for an economic recovery.

Doesn’t sound so bad, huh?

Nevertheless, when they are misguided and misplaced, expectations can totally wreak havoc on your mental health, career, relationships, and more.

Unfortunately, learning to manage your expectations is easier said than done. As humans, it’s normal to anticipate and expect things from people, whether those things are, in fact, coming or not.

This is especially true regarding intimate relationships in which we invest our time and resources.

However, you can save yourself lots of time and turmoil by learning to manage your own expectations.

That said, here’s an overview of how to do just that.

Check your Expectations at the Door



Empath Survival Guide

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