Patrick the packet, a chatbot to enhance your experience with package deliveries

Chat and organize the delivery directly with your package

Michel Sahli
Empathic Labs
4 min readJul 7, 2021


Patrick the package tracking chatbot

During our Master degree, we were given the task to enhance customer service themed chatbots and to research on what could be some new innovative features.

After some initial research we stepped on package tracking which has a lot of potential in our eyes.

DHL chatbot discussion about quotes and pickups options
DHL chatbot returning links to their customer portal

There are not a lot of chatbot solutions to manage the delivery of your package. The only one that we found were simple assistants that redirected to the webpage when ask for specific topics.

It mostly feels unfinished and unnecessary for customer that have experience with more complete chatbots.

What can we do better?

Our idea started with feature ideas that can replace the customer portal and make it unnecessary to use it altogether.

We are looking at basic features like:

  • Package location
  • Estimated arrival
  • Deposit options

Using the chatbot should enable customers to act in a more natural way and with less burdens. Continuing on this path, we explored ideas to make the interaction more memorable and fun.

That is were the final concept of Patrick emerged. We want customer to experience a new way of package tracking by actually asking their package themselve!

Our concept personifies the deliverable and tries to make it as easy as chatting with a friend to manage your packages.

What does it looks like?

The following screenshots explain the main features that are implemented.

Patrick asking for the package id

Asking and saving the package id

Patrick giving their position

Patrick understands the requirement of the package id to perform most of the supported tasks.

Once received and saved, Patrick can use it to request information about himself.

Asking about the package location

Patrick will request information with the package id about it’s current location and will share it with the customer with a map pointer.

Patrick saving the request to the postman

Defining deposit options

Patrick understands when a customer defines a specific deposit instructions and saves it in the system.

It will be added as information when asked for the arrival estimation as well.

How does it work?

Patrick is for the moment a chatbot only accessible on Telegram. The following diagram shows an overview on the internal architecture of our chatbot:

Technical overview of Patrick

Patrick is implemented in Python and uses the python-telegram-bot wrapper to communicate with Telegram. A simple function that echoes the same message back to the user will look like the following

Rasa NLU offers a REST API to parse messages which needs to be activate on the server launch:

Rasa NLU includes an OpenApi file on their website which can be used to generate the python client code with OpenAPI Generator.

A trained Rasa NLU server can then be requested from the Python implementation:


We presented our work on chatbots during our Master degree in multiple steps going from necessity exploration to concept ideas and finishing with explanation on the implementation.

The chatbot prototype was developped by Michel Sahli and Kevin Pantillon.

Thanks for reading and discover more interesting stories of Empathic Labs

