Live Live LOVEly Like

Destiny Bright
2 min readDec 21, 2013

I have a fear of “doing things wrong,” not in the eyes of people, but in the eyes of God. I go day by day asking myself if this is morally right or not. I have come to realize though it is much easier to do what is right, than to avoid doing wrong.

How I spend my time, what I do, how I think, and what escapes my mouth are examples of what I question. The hardest of these, I believe, would be “how I think”. It is so easy to get in the wrong mind set. It is said to “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” (Proverbs 4:23) Protecting my heart and placing it on godly things is an important aspect of how I expect to live.

I mentioned before, it is much easier to do what is right, than to avoid doing wrong. If I concentrate on if what I am doing is right or not, I am basically wasting time. I do not want to waste time, and it is much easier to do things I know that are right. Basically if I am acting in the goodness of heart, in love, I seem to be in good standing.

Being in “good standing” sounds wonderful. I am not perfect though, I am human, and all humans fall short of the glory of God. We all mess up, make mistakes, do wrong things, and say wrong and mean things. I am not perfect. I am actually way far from perfect, as far as far can get. Everyone is. Then God had mercy on us, and gave us Jesus.

Have you ever received a birthday gift, and thought it was too much? Or has someone paid for your meal at a restaurant? I have, and I feel like I owe them something. What if after punching a guy in the face, he gave you a hug? I would be really confused, and undeserving. Now, what if after choosing to not have an amazing relationship with God, He freely chose to come down to NOT condemn us, but to save us. The penalty of sin (going against God’s will) was death. He paid that price. I feel like I owe Him something, but He already paid the price.

I do not deserve God’s mercy, but He already gave it. There are no works, there is nothing we can do to be in “good standing” with God, it was through His grace that we are saved. Living a life of love is just a reflection of what He gave us. That is what He taught us though right, to truly love?

