Finding Nature in the Concrete Jungle: Tips for Digital Nomads

How to Recharge and Connect with Nature When Living in the City

Josué Sánchez
Empathy Cafe


As someone who spends most of my existence in the digital world, I understand the importance of taking breaks to recharge and connect with nature. Except that I live in the city.

Leaving the desk (or the coffee table at Starbucks) occasionally helps. When the weather is cold (seemingly most of the year in Winnipeg), I walk inside the coffee shop and do some stretches in the bathroom. When the temperature is above freezing, I take breaks and go around the block (yes, I leave everything on the table!) When at home, I take the dog outside if my back is not hurting too much that day.

The feeling of the sun on my skin and the sound of leaves rustling in the wind is something I’d like to experience, but it isn’t possible for me. I miss living in France, where my college campus was on the skirt of a beautiful mountain!

I would like to explore different ways to connect with nature even while living in a city. For example, I could research nearby parks or gardens, take up indoor gardening, or incorporate natural elements into my home decor. Does it make sense?

What about you? Do you live close to nature? Can you escape the cement jungle and take breaks in parks? What other ways could we take breaks from the digital world?



Josué Sánchez
Empathy Cafe

I rather be excluded for who I include, than included for who I exclude // co-founder of