Leaning on Jesus When Everything Seems Fuzzy

It may make no sense, but it’s all I want

Josué Sánchez
Empathy Cafe
1 min readJan 20, 2023


I was born in Westen Europe, in a Christian family, and my father was a pastor in a quite peculiar (for Spaniards, at least) denomination. Hence my current view of the world and religion. I would write very differently if I were born in India, Asia, or even parts of Africa.

If my origins directly influence my beliefs, what makes me so sure they are correct? Am I right, and the rest of the world (billions!) is wrong? How can I be so certain?

I’m not.

But it’s okay.

I am not leaving my faith. On the contrary, my faith is growing stronger. I’m replacing the “what” with the “Who.” There are so many questions buzzing in my head that the only option I have is to jump with my eyes closed into Jesus’ arms.

All I want is to be close to him. I don’t care if I got my belief system wrong; I want him.

I desire nothing else in this world.



Josué Sánchez
Empathy Cafe

I rather be excluded for who I include, than included for who I exclude // co-founder of empathy.cafe