Love Yourself!

A self esteem exercise

Josué Sánchez
Empathy Cafe
Nov 29, 2022


A dear friend (shared with permission) sent this to me a few minutes ago:

“We all love you, Josue, and God loves you. And you should love yourself. Give yourself a gentle hug and say out loud, “You are amazing, Josué! You are strong and brave for battling this illness! And you have such a kind and loving heart! You are awesome! No wonder your wife and daughters love you so. God has given you the gift of empathy. It is a heavy burden to bear, but you have helped many people through your ministry! Keep going, buddy! You are doing great! You are incredibly strong…”

Let’s experiment together, shall we? Why don’t you reread it but replace my name with yours this time? Let’s all exercise some well-needed self-love!



Josué Sánchez
Empathy Cafe

I rather be excluded for who I include, than included for who I exclude // co-founder of