The Power of Positive Thinking: How It Can Improve Your Mental Health

I got a million-dollar question, folks.

Josué Sánchez
Empathy Cafe


How can we focus on positive thinking while avoiding toxic positivity?

While I don’t claim to have the perfect answer, I’ve put together some thoughts. Let me know in the comments if they make sense, okay?

When we adopt a positive outlook, we tend to see the good in situations and people, even in challenging times. This helps us approach problems with a solutions-oriented mindset rather than feeling helpless.

Also, being positive can improve relationships by creating a happy environment, attracting positive people, and inspiring personal growth. Positive people are like magnets!

However, toxic positivity can be harmful to our mental health as it involves dismissing emotions, invalidating experiences, and minimizing genuine struggles. Therefore, it’s essential to balance positivity and acknowledging challenging situations. Instead of ignoring negative feelings or experiences, we should validate our emotions while seeking positive outcomes. Doing so will help us maintain a healthy and well-rounded mindset.

But remember, NOT all cases have a silver lining! Some things should NEVER have happened!

Let me know if that makes sense to you!



Josué Sánchez
Empathy Cafe

I rather be excluded for who I include, than included for who I exclude // co-founder of