Thoughts This week — Neutrality On The Brink

Evan Matthew Papp
Empathy Media Lab
Published in
5 min readFeb 3, 2020

A momentous week is upon us.

The president will no longer fear the constitution because the Republican controlled Senate will no longer hold him accountable. The project of the unitary executive is complete. The turnkey totalitarian system is in Trump’s little hands…it is his to lose.

It will take great courage to face an adversary who can…

Go down 5th avenue and shoot someone and face no justice, because according to Trump’s lawyer and the GOP controlled Senate, “a president can’t be indicted.” Trump will never be held accountable until he leaves the presidency…which is why he will never leave unless the good people of this country carry him out.

We are on the brink of great change that will affect every one of us and all of the future unborn.

Yet so many of us continue to sit on the sideline…

Neutral out of necessity,

Neutral because we are afraid,

Neutral because we lack belief — living life as a passive observer, watching the eternal bloody fight between good and evil, the powerless and the powerful.

Don’t forget, dear friend, the seats on the sideline of the arena come with a heavy price.

We cannot delude ourselves into thinking we are good when we stay silent, as the good and just are slaughtered and we choose to huddle in the “safe” shelter of neutrality.

History is watching.

What will happen next when there are no limits of the Executor?

Remember the neutrals in Dante’s inferno, who exist on the outer circles of hell.

The punishments of the Inferno begin just after the doorway — which says, “Abandon All Hope, All Ye Who Enter” — of the Inferno is passed. Just inside the doorway are the souls of those who never took a stand in life. While living, they were neither for good nor for evil, and now that they are dead, neither Heaven nor Hell Proper wants them. In life, they did not follow a banner; in death, they follow a blank banner endlessly, running after it as it travels here and here, never remaining in one place. Similarly, in life, these never-committed souls never staked out a firm position. In life, these souls never felt deeply, either for good or for evil. Now, these souls do feel deeply, as wasps and hornets bite them. They bleed from the bites, and maggots eat the pus that flows to the ground.

Get involved and Act,

While we still can.


The United States of America


Monday — Bernie and the Iowa Caucus, DNC Rules, Senators Talk about Trump

In a few hours, results will start trickling in about the first primary battle of who will control the democratic party.

The DNC appointed neoliberal right wingers to rewrite the rules against New Deal Investment and Wall Street Regulation.

SENATORS WEIGH IN ON TRUMP CRIMES — 100 Senators will enter their remarks into selling out the Republic to prevent witnesses to testify on Trump’s illegality — each will give 15 minute remarks about their judgement in the trial of Trump being unfit for the presidential office.

Watch on PBS Youtube Livestream.

Tuesday — State of the Union

Trump will give his third State of the Union to a congress that just impeached him and a senate that has yet to acquit and cover up his crimes.

Wednesday — Impeachment and Conviction Vote

4pm — Senators will vote on their loyalties to the tenant of the oval office or to the continuity of a constitutional government that has been around nearly 250 years, with Declarations of Independence from arbitrary laws of Dictator Kings.

Global Events To Watch

Federal Reserve Policy and Market Jitters

China monetary injection to stimulate flaccid markets.

US monetary injection, QE 4, and the repo debacle.


Global pandemic with exponential growth on the horizon.


The Trans-Atlantic alliance is severed after 80 years of collective struggle, forged out of the ashes of World War 2. The City of London Financial Oligarchy is in a flight forward to remain relevant as the center of the Earth’s financial flow with Wall Street and Shanghai just a few steps behind.

But will the self dealing generational neurosis of the British Aristocracy nit the noose that they will be hung in?

Never forget that the British crown and House of Windsor aligned itself with the Nazis and could have prevented the horrors of World War Two and prevented the deaths of at least 70 million humans, if only they weren’t so God Damn Blinded by their Royalty.

Opium Wars forgiven?

HORIZON WATCH — Post Impeachment Senate Coverup

American Public Post Office — Sell out, privatize, loot, and asset strip the Constitutionally mandated U.S. National Postal Service

American Healthcare — Cut to medicaid with Pence lackey Seema Verma

American Hunger — Food stamp cuts







Evan Matthew Papp
Empathy Media Lab

ExecProducer @EmpathyMediaLab . Lover of Art, Beauty, Truth & Justice. Panta Rhei.