The Mission

a welcome and introduction

Christian Butler
empathy Studios
4 min readDec 15, 2017


Our goal

We aim to make stuff. Hopefully, stuff that’s cool (whatever that might mean). And we dream of someday making some really cool stuff: like novels, comics, or maybe an animated short film, a movie someday? Who knows — there’s no reason why we shouldn’t someday be able to get there.

What matters is where you start. And the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. This place: this is our step one.

The idea is to start small, humble, honest — to work with what we’ve got. Then to expand, push ourselves and the work we seek to do. And if we keep it up, who knows, maybe we’ll grow into a full-fledged production studio.

How this works:

Well, we’re just starting out. And as far as what we’ve got, we don’t have much. Thankfully, you don’t need much to tell a story, which is how we’ll kick this thing off — with writing fiction. At present, we’ve got a total of six projects in the works: four of them original and the other two adaptations of existing works in other media. And like a television channel, one chapter of each story will publish once a day, six days every other week.

And you get to read as much as you want, all for free.

It is our hope that if you like what we’ve got going on, you’ll choose to support our endeavors. And what’s the easiest way to do that? Share our work, turn others onto what we’re doing here. Maybe you’ll even comment and let us know what you think or if you’ve got any ideas to share. Who knows, we leave all of that to you.

And that’s all we’ll ever ask of you!

Who are we?

At present, it’s just me.

But that might change. There’s no telling what the future has in store.

The Future

The first chapter for all six of our forthcoming projects will each be published Sunday, December 31. The regular production schedule will follow that week so be sure to keep a look out.

If you believe in what we’re doing and would like to further support our work and evolution moving forward as we take these first steps, then you might consider becoming a Patron.

What’s a Patron?

I’m glad you asked. First of all I’ll reiterate: at present, it’s just me. This is a solo endeavor and its done on my own time and it’s really the only thing that I do. And again, the dream is to become a full-fledged production studio, to some day make some really cool stuff that, at present, we lack the means to produce.

And that’s where you come in.

Patreon is a platform for public and independent monetization. As I’ve said, everything we have to offer comes at no cost to you. We’re doin’ this with or without you, we’re moving forward. But without you, the best we can hope for is to keep making the same stuff at a stagnant level of quality —

— we won’t be able to someday make graphic novels or animated features.

Patreon puts in your hands the power to choose whether or not we get to evolve into something greater. Becoming a patron means becoming a part of something special. And as a patron, you get not only early access to our content but also access to loads of additional content and supplemental materials which won’t be made available to our general audience.

You get a voice. And you help give us a voice in return.

Whatever the case, we leave that you. We’ll never ask you for money. Our only request is that you share our work, give it exposure, show it to the world.

Inherent Value

I appreciate your being here and am grateful for your attention. After all, your attention is valuable, and it’s no small thing, your being here, choosing to read these words. And I don’t take that lightly. No matter what you choose, I’ll still be here, I’ll still be writing and publishing these chapters and there’s nothing that can stop me from doing so. My only hope is that you decide to join me on this path and that you find something of value.

All I can promise you is my genuine effort.

Series Premiere Event

When does all this kick into gear?

Sunday, December 31st. The first chapter for all six of our works in the pipeline will release simultaneously. Then that following week, our regular premiere schedule will again. So what does that mean?

On Sunday, the release of 85 pages of material, and by January 6th, the first two chapters of all six stories will be made available. Then from there, new chapters will publish every other week.

That’s all for now. There’s quite a bit of work ahead of me, but I’m eager and confident. Stay tuned to this space for more updates and if you’re feeling generous, you might consider sharing this page with your friends. Get the word out, help turn this event into a proper shindig!

Anyway and as always, thanks for your time, and I hope this finds you in good spirits.
— Christian Butler



Christian Butler
empathy Studios

A jack of all trades: illustrator, film composer, novelist— ostensibly, a maker of “things”. The expression of self is his ultimate endeavor, the duty he bears.