Irresistible products aren’t reasoned into existence.

Angel Maldonado
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2017

We live in a world of Data, relying on metrics religiously, unquestionably and following their lead.

  • Companies that define themselves as Data Driven follow pathways of logic, doing the “right” thing, designing products based on facts and figures.
  • Companies that are Imagination Driven follow no-one, and in so doing, create irresistible products.

10 Years ago, a company hid in Data while another created a new world:

Forbes and Time featuring a conventional Nokia and a creative iPhone (Nov 2007)

A Data Driven mind adapts vision to reality as opposed to adapting reality to vision (-A thought I owe to George Bernard Shaw’s Man and Superman-)

A Data Driven mind thinks of People as interpretable Data objects, building value through technology and playing by the rules of Data Science (by observation and logic).

An Imagination Driven mind thinks of People as Subjects (not objects) who are seeking to realise the basic need of feeling.

From Data Driven to Imagination Driven

People love products that generate sentiment; when they connect with them in function and emotion, beyond the necessary rational need.

Irresistible products are created through imagination not through technology or features.

An irresistible product touches our desire to feel and express in such a way that we can’t go on without it.

Being rational constrains imaginative thinking, which is not about visualising things that do not exist, being imaginative means much more; it’s about understanding that new worlds can be created.

Being innovative means creating worlds, shaping Data as opposed to responding it.


  • A Data Driven mindset can surely orchestrate good products, however, building a free thinking, imaginative and contra-intuitive team culture creates the right conditions for irresistible products.
  • Different mindsets have different motivations, unfortunately some professionals accommodate at hierarchical company roles, hiding on data and rational as opposed to continuously being exposed to the hard path of creativity.
  • Data should not dictate what to do but inspire us so we can act irrationally over it, progress depends on it.

I will not Reason & Compare: my business is to Create” (Blake, “Jerusalem”).

