Valentine’s Commerce Search?

Should Search be different for unique occasions?

Angel Maldonado
3 min readFeb 13, 2018


Valentines drives hundreds of Millions of buyers who expose very unique Search & Navigation patterns.

In our experience, Valentines buyers exhibit high commitment, knowing more about their desirable item, looking for shortcuts. Query unique variations for Valentines by and EmpathyBroker

Here some classic changes in a multi-brand Store during a Valentine’s week:

  1. Increase in Query Volume (x2 average)
  2. Increase in terms per query (from 1.4 in English to 1.6)
  3. More specific queries that include more Brands, Colours or Models
  4. Increase (x2 average) of queries that include SKU number or References
  5. Increase in add to cart per query (x2 average).

The above 5 changes alone provide plenty of justification to create unique experiences (Search Interfaces) that are designed to better dissolve with these specific behaviours.

Here some Samples:

If there is a higher Query Volume (both per Visit and as a whole), a good practice is to offer more visible entry space and even a central query space

Visible Commerce Search over Video

For higher terms per query is of great value to offer adapted ways of query expansion, query trends and query history:

Query Expansion or Auto-Complete (Empathize by EmpathyBroker) at

For the presence of entities the use of Entity Detection as basic form of language properties can mapped these queries to Facets, saving clicks and efforts to the Search Visit.

Query “levis” in eBay

For SKU num. or Reference Queries the use of SKU Detection offers massive value, anticipating this demand and delivering a sweet moment of understanding to the Search User. SKU detection by EmpathyBroker

And Finally to the higher add to cart volumes is also very interesting to consider the use of direct access to cart additions from the Search Result Page (SERP).

Add to Cart at SERP in by EmpathyBroker


On special Dates such as Valentines, jewellery, candy, flowers, chocolates, lingerie…are top demanded items, exposing a very unique wave of demand and commitment to purchase.

If the intentions vary so shall the User Interface: Create Unique Experiences for Special Dates ;)

