Spring Progress!

Empatica Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 28, 2017

Hello everyone!

We’re happy to be back with a new post, filled with exciting updates, interesting facts and good vibes for you all: core supporters, new users, Embracers to-be and, yes, even you who might have just landed on this page out of curiosity.

Our last post reached you on Valentine’s Day and significant progress has been made since then.

Spring is in full bloom now, and so are our developments!

Let’s start from the devices.

You’ll be pleased to know that a new improved battery is on its way. You won’t need to purchase a new Embrace because your current Embrace will just become smarter in using its battery. This is the result of a constant effort in optimizing how the device can preserve the battery capacity.

The improvements have been extended to the charger as well. In fact, we’ve been very determined to solve any possible issue you happened to encounter. We’ve collected all the precious feedback sent by many Embracers, we’ve reached out to them and established a close collaboration aimed to built a more robust charger, able to work with all power supply types and sizes.
Our mantra throughout the process? “Slow charging no more”.

Something else will get a makeover too: bands! We’ve identified a new band material with stronger properties and an improved comfortable feel. In response to the request of XL-size bands, we’re glad to inform you that a longer version of our black and blue bands will be available in just one month!

Shifting into the software sphere now…

A newly optimized user Interface for the Alert app will see the light of day next week. Stay tuned for the release ;)
Our passionate development team has also worked on reaching new heights in the bluetooth connectivity and the overall stability.

We’d like to wrap-up this week’s tech bulletin with some interesting data we’ve reported in the abstract submitted to the International congress on mobile health devices and seizure detection on epilepsy (Copenaghen): “Real-time seizure detection performance with Embrace alert system: one year real-life setting case study”.

We monitored a patient in real life settings over a period of 341 days: the patient wore Embrace 17,5±3,5 hours per day and experienced 46 convulsive seizures (CSs).
The watch detected 96 events, of which 45 were CSs, all successfully transmitted to the phone and to the online database. False alarm rate: 0.14 per day worn. In 315 out of 341 days (92%) there were no false alarms.

Your story for a good cause

Your Embrace Stories have conquered not just our hearts but also the attention of the Embrace Community at-large.

They matter to our team as precious case studies and they do matter to fellow Embracers as well.

Above all, we see your stories as valuable contribution in spreading #EpilepsyAwareness more broadly.

So much so that we’ve decided to open a new dedicated page (coming soon) on our website, hosting a collection of all the Embrace stories constantly coming in, whether via email or social media.

We’ll be also publishing a summary of the latest stories in a bi-weekly blog post, just to keep you up to speed ;)

Here’s a sneak peek of Maria’s story:

“This is my son Noah, born with Hydrocephalus. He has had many challenges in his 3 years of life. His first seizure was shortly after his 2nd birthday while napping. Since then all I did was stress mentally over if I would be near him again if he had another seizure. Luckily I was.
His 2nd seizure lasted over 7 min causing temporary paralysis.
As a parent there’s nothing worse than seeing your baby experience something so scary and dangerous, not knowing what the outcome will be. I spent months searching for something to help. When I found Empatica I knew the Embrace Watch was just what we needed. My stress level has gone way down and I sleep better knowing we have this device. Noah loves his Embrace and never wants to take it off.
Now, almost 4 years old, he tells people ‘My watch is special, it keeps me connected to mommy and daddy, it keeps me safe.’ ” - Maria Spicer.

New important updates to be released soon! ;)

A big hug,

The Empatica Team

