A Mother’s Heart

Jessica Archuleta
Emphatically Me
Published in
1 min readOct 5, 2019


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

How do you put into words
Eternal thoughts?
When even poetry
fails to reveal the depths
of my heart’s melody.

I’m Eternally grateful
for this boy of mine,
easy enough to say, still
how do you measure

How do I express a never-ending love?

A mother’s heart, the only
vessel strong enough
vast enough to hold love,
gratitude, joy, pride,
in such massive proportions.

I have seen Eternity
smiling at me
through his brown eyes,
felt it in the grasp of his
hand when he was a babe,
heard it in the song he sings.

Still, I cannot find the words
to explain my Eternal gratitude,
my Eternal love, for this boy of mine.

This poem is about my oldest son, Diego. I had secondary infertility and didn’t think I would have any more children after my first child. After many prayers and a few years, he finally came.

Here is another post of mine with writing tips!



Jessica Archuleta
Emphatically Me

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." --Maya Angelou