My (Mis)Adventures as the Tooth Fairy

How many stories can I come up with for forgetting?

Jessica Archuleta
Published in
5 min readAug 19, 2019


Whoever came up with this idea that a magical fairy would happily pay children money for their fallen out teeth should die a thousand deaths. Then come back to life so they could die a thousand more.

Okay. That’s a bit harsh. But seriously. Why was this ever a thing?

My husband laughs at me because it’s my own fault for doing the whole tooth fairy routine with our first child and then continuing it with the rest of our children. I suppose I should own up to it and admit it’s my fault. However, in my defense, it was an idea passed to me and one of those mom things I felt obliged to do.

Once I realized this tooth fairy act was a dumb idea…it was too late. I was in. I had given the magical tooth fairy experience to our first three kids already. I couldn’t rob my other children of such excitement. Besides, one of them was panicked about losing her first tooth and it was the thought of a crisp dollar bill waiting under her pillow in exchange for her tooth brought by a lovely fairy that got her through.

I’m now on my eighth child losing teeth. Yes, eighth. I have two more to go after this. Let me tell you, I don’t care about the tooth fairy magic getting kids over their panic of losing teeth anymore…



Jessica Archuleta

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." --Maya Angelou