Some Days I Wish I could Quit

College, homeschooling, writing— all of it!

Jessica Archuleta
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2019


Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

Breathe in, breath out. Stay calm. It’s all not as bad as it feels.

Those are the thoughts I’ve been telling myself all morning. I’m overwhelmed and my anxiety is running high. My 4-year-old’s screeches feel like they are running with a knife through my body from my gut to my head. My 3-year-old is enjoying making his sister screech. The teens are supposed to be doing their chores so they can start their school work, but instead they are singing at the tops of their lungs, laughing, talking, and taking their sweet time finishing up their chores. The other three boys are in need of constant reminders to focus and finish picking up toys and floors so they can begin school too.

Did I mention I have a science statistics lab due tomorrow and an exam to study for due on Monday? I’m also behind a lesson for the math class I’m taking to help me learn the math for the statistics class.

Also, the washing machine is broken and my laundry is piling up. I need to get to the laundry mat.

I could go on, but I won’t.

Point being, my usual controlled chaos of a life is out of control at the moment. Days like these I wish I could throw in the towel and give up on all the things I’m working on.



Jessica Archuleta

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." --Maya Angelou