Traveling the World in Your Eyes

A poem about my children who keep me home but never stuck in one place.

Jessica Archuleta
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2019


Photo by Capturing the human heart. on Unsplash

You’re my travels overseas,

Spain’s in the curves of your face,

France tastes like the sweets you bake,

Italy in every bite of our favorite meal we make together.

Beauty I long to see elsewhere quickly fades in my mind

You take me abroad with one look of your mocha eyes.

Japan in your sketchbook and random phrases on your tongue,

Ireland sounds like the song on your lips,

Mediterranean Sea is in the waves of your hair.

Your jokes, teasing, and smile are straight from Mexico,

Boots and braids take me back to the Southwest.

Days at the lake in swimsuits building castles

Reminiscent of the California coast.

My love for you is deeper than the ocean

The light you shine in my life brighter than the stars

Shining over the vast desert,

You take me places I’ve missed and long to see



Jessica Archuleta

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." --Maya Angelou