How to Become a Boss at Praying?

Luke Nucifora
Empire Sunshine Coast
4 min readMay 2, 2017

3 Things That Will Set You Up!

One of the most amazing things about being a Christian is this: it’s more than just following a religion; it’s about having a powerful, loving relationship with God. Jesus invites us to live with Him and for Him day and night. There are so many ways we can do this, but a big one is prayer. Most people would say that if you are a Christian, you’d probably pray to God. This is true. But if you have ever tried to pray before, you’d know that it isn’t always easy to get started.

The good news is that it’s pretty normal to find it difficult to begin praying. Trust me, we’ve all felt that. What’s even better news is that it can be easily changed! So, how can we become a boss at praying? Here are some thoughts:

1) Use the Bible

God has given us the Bible to guide us, to speak through and to teach us about His plan for our lives. But the Bible is also great for teaching us how to pray. In fact, the Bible is full of prayers, songs of worship and times when people talked with God. All of it can help us to know what to say when we pray.

A good place to start is the book of Psalms. These are songs or poems written to God. Just read a verse in your head, think about what it means and then pray out loud along the lines of what it is saying. Let’s use the first half of Psalm 104:1 as an example:

“My soul, praise the LORD! LORD my God, You are very great…” (Psalm 104:1, HCSB)

You could begin by praying something like this:

“God, my soul gives praise to You. Everything I am gives praise to you. You are my God. I put you first in my life, I want to follow you every day of my life. God you are very great. No one is more powerful than you. No one is as big and as mighty as you.”

Look how much can be prayed just using half a verse! Imagine what you could do with a whole chapter! Praying like this helps our hearts to get closer to Jesus.

2) Ask Him

The next thing we can do is take time to ask God for the things we need in our life or in others. In Matthew 7:7 Jesus said this:

“Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7, HCSB)

God loves it when we come to Him and ask for the things we need. He also loves it when we come to Him and ask for something for others.

What could you ask God for? Does your friend need a miracle? Does your school need to know about Jesus? Is your family going through a tough time? Take time to ask Him for His help.

3) Make it a Habit

Lastly, we should try to make prayer a habit. Practice really does make perfect. It is easier to pray the day after we did, rather than the day after we didn’t. What time of the day could you set aside as your ‘prayer time’? It may just begin with 15 minutes a day. But those 15 minutes are completely dedicated to praying without any other distraction. I recommend setting your alarm early (I know, crazy right??) and making it the first thing you do in the morning. I promise that you will notice a massive difference in your day.

Here’s the awesome thing. It won’t be long before you find that 15 minutes isn’t enough. Not because you have too many things to say, but because you find that your heart has begun to fall in love with Jesus and you just don’t want to leave!

