Emplify’s Cultural Change System — A Unique Way to Nurture a Culture of Innovation Every Day

Jude Rutherford
Emplify Stories
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2024

If you read the last Emplify Story, you will have a high-level understanding of the five Characteristics that define a thriving innovation culture. Now, we want to introduce you to the basics of how your organisation can use Emplify to create positive culture change. We often say Emplify is the gift that keeps on giving. It’s not simply a cultural assessment tool; it is purpose-built to drive continuous cultural improvement that everyone, whatever their role, actively participates in.

At the heart of Emplify’s philosophy is the conviction that innovation is intrinsically human. It’s not just about groundbreaking tech or cutting-edge processes and tools. It’s rooted in everyday interactions, unified efforts, and collective creativity. Emplify champions the human-centric approach to innovation, emphasising that every individual within your organisation contributes to its continual evolution. But how exactly does Emplify facilitate this all-inclusive innovation pathway?

Borrowing from Personal Growth to Inspire Organisational Change

Emplify’s approach is akin to a personal change journey reimagined at an organisational scale. It’s about cultivating an Identity, nurturing five key Characteristics, developing measurable Traits, and engaging in daily habits — or, as we call them, Doables.

Here’s a bit more explanation of each of the change elements:

Identity is the ‘who we want to be’ at our core. For our community, it is the aspiration to be an Innovation Powerhouse. This is the North Star that sets up Emplify’s change system.

Characteristics are the pillars of a thriving innovation culture. Together, the five Characteristics of Empathy, Synergy, Focus, Motivation, and Magic define an innovation culture. They provide a structured approach to identifying strengths to build upon and development opportunities.

Traits are the observable and measurable cultural qualities that make up each Characteristic. Think of Traits as the “what” — the specific behaviours that, together, form the foundation of your culture. As the tangible expressions of the Characteristics, they provide a clear path for cultural evolution.

Doables are where the rubber meets the road, and intention turns to action. Doables are small, easy actions that anyone in your organisation can integrate into their daily routine to cultivate the Traits that underpin each Characteristic.

Adopting this model makes innovation accessible and everyday…something where everyone has a part to play. It’s no longer confined to the C-suite or innovation labs; it’s part of the daily rhythm of the entire organisation. This inclusive approach is intuitive, drawing on personal growth to make cultural evolution feel achievable for everyone.

The Magic of Repetition and the Power of Small Actions

The magic of Emplify’s system lies in its simplicity and the compounding effect of small, repeated actions. Just as personal habits shape identities, organisational habits shape the culture. Every Doable action you take each day adds to the narrative of innovation. It’s funny how we typically don’t acknowledge the importance of the small stuff. We need to be clear: These small actions, done consistently, have exponential power!

Emplify’s system isn’t about grand gestures or overnight transformations. It’s about continuous improvement, a steady journey where every step counts and every individual has a role to play. It’s a system where being human — with all our quirks, aspirations, and potential — is recognised and celebrated as the cornerstone of innovation.

Final Thoughts

This human-centric approach makes the aspiration of becoming an Innovation Powerhouse not just a possibility but an inevitable outcome of daily practice. And that’s the essence of Emplify: transforming the way organisations approach innovation by focusing on the human element, one Doable at a time.

How might embracing this human-centric methodology reshape the way your organisation approaches innovation?

How could the Emplify Model of continuous cultural improvement guide the way for a more innovative tomorrow for your organisation?

Start building a thriving innovation culture today.

To learn more, check out Emplify’s website and sign up for early access.


