Network is your Network

Emploai Team
Published in
1 min readSep 3, 2018


Someone quoted this quite a few years ago. The connects we make at school, at work, at professional organisations or clubs are worth much more than we think. The best or most qualified sales leads come from this network and any sales person would find it hard to disagree. Same goes when you need some advice on finance, investments, legal and professional matters. It is the same network you turn to. New opportunities, jobs, projects and a long list of things once again are best found in networks than on online job boards. Yet, we spend very little time nurturing and building this network. Well few of us actually do a very good job. A few others may do very well with a little help and support.

Emploai started with this simple thought of making it easier to grow and nurture your network. Going beyond classifying it as Professional or Personal or Knowledge to simply say Network Network. Come on board and grow.

