Deploy a Laravel 5 app using Ploi and Digital Ocean

Connor Leech
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2018


Ploi is a hosting and deployment platform custom built for PHP and MySQL developers. Out of the box the platform supports Laravel and Wordpress deploys in conjunction with related technologies you’ll need for web apps like Node.js and Redis. It’s free to get started and you can login with your Bitbucket or Github account.

In this tutorial we’re going to deploy a Laravel 5.6 app to the internet!

1. Create Ploi account

Login to Ploi and head to Profile > Server Providers page

Digital Ocean is a cloud hosting platform that provides internet infrastructure for applications.

2. Create Digital Ocean API key

Sign up using this link and get $10 free credit

Login to Digital Ocean and Applications & API > Tokens/Keys > Generate New Token that has write access. Paste in the token to the API Key input field. The label can be the name you give to your token. In my case I named it “Ploi”.

Input a write access Digital Ocean token to Ploi.

3. Input your SSH keys



Connor Leech

Girl Dad x 2. Cofounder @Employbl. Software Engineer @CommentSold.