Post jobs and search candidates for free on

Connor Leech
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2019
Job listings page on Employbl

If you work at a Bay Area tech company you can post jobs for free on Employbl.

tl;dr — Go post a job

Employbl is a network of active candidates in the Bay Area.

Job listings will link to the original job posting on the company’s career page.

I’ll also add your email address to the database so you can browse our network of 100+ active candidates that have signed up to be members of the website.

The goal here is to help match qualified candidates to opportunity without agency recruiting fees.

I’d also like to recruit on active job openings to bring more candidates into the network.

Each month the job listings will be archived and the current month’s active job listings will be featured on the job listings page.

Here’s an example of the one job listings I was working on in March:

This list of 600+ Bay Area tech companies are the primary companies I’d like to reach and have posting jobs on the site:

This offer of free job postings is for a limited time. Once I am working with a handful of companies and making placements I’ll charge new companies a monthly fee to recruit for them.

The first time I charge it’ll probably be a few hundred dollars a month to recruit candidates and feature job postings, as well as give login access to the full candidate database.

If you’re looking for a new job in the Bay Area apply as a candidate and I’ll likely approve you:

This is what the form looks like to post your jobs for free. Go to site

I try to send out email newsletters once a week or once every other week about the progress of this project and new opportunities that come my way.

You can sign up to join that list by applying as a candidate (url link above) or enter your email on the blog page.

Thanks for your time, have a good one 💯



Connor Leech

Girl Dad x 2. Cofounder @Employbl. Software Engineer @CommentSold.