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51 New York City Startups to Watch in 2022
51 New York City Startups to Watch in 2022
These are fifty one startups HQ’d out of NYC that have raised tons of capital from top tier investors and were founded in the past five…
Connor Leech
May 23, 2022
Create a Wordpress site from the command line with wp-cli
Create a Wordpress site from the command line with wp-cli
The first step is to install the wordpress command line tool. The below commands will download the package, grant the appropriate…
Connor Leech
Feb 20, 2018
Use the Repository Design pattern in a Laravel application
Use the Repository Design pattern in a Laravel application
I previously wrote about how to build a task app with Laravel and Vue.js. Laravel is a PHP framework for building scalable web applications…
Connor Leech
Feb 9, 2018
Build Laravel 5.7 Email Authentication with Mailgun and Digital Ocean
Build Laravel 5.7 Email Authentication with Mailgun and Digital Ocean
The newly released Laravel version 5.7 adds a new capability to verify user’s emails. If you’re ever ran php artisan make:auth within a…
Connor Leech
Dec 13, 2018
Find Startups by Venture Capital Firm
Find Startups by Venture Capital Firm
Introducing filter companies by investor on Employbl. Find private and public companies that VC firms have invested in. See what companies…
Connor Leech
Jun 14, 2021
How to scrape businesses’ info with Python and Beautiful Soup
How to scrape businesses’ info with Python and Beautiful Soup
I hear a lot of people say Python is great for web scraping and I believe them. Mostly I write javascript and using tools like the cheerio…
Connor Leech
Jan 14, 2016
Popular job titles at Bay Area startups
Popular job titles at Bay Area startups
When I worked as an agency Technical Recruiter I had to learn all about different job titles and job responsibilities for tech workers in…
Connor Leech
May 15, 2019
Adding React.js to Laravel 5.4 Web Applications with Laravel Mix
Adding React.js to Laravel 5.4 Web Applications with Laravel Mix
I gave a presentation tonight at Laravel SF on how to integrate React.js components into a Laravel 5.4 application. This has become much…
Connor Leech
Jun 13, 2017
Deploy a Laravel 5 app using Ploi and Digital Ocean
Deploy a Laravel 5 app using Ploi and Digital Ocean
Ploi is a hosting and deployment platform custom built for PHP and MySQL developers. Out of the box the platform supports Laravel and…
Connor Leech
Jun 21, 2018
Implement linear and binary search algorithms with Javascript
Implement linear and binary search algorithms with Javascript
Software engineers use search algorithms to find elements and to sort through data. In this post we’re going to cover linear search and…
Connor Leech
Dec 29, 2017
7 ways to become a better developer
7 ways to become a better developer
Picking how to move forward requires reflecting on why you wanted to learn to code in the first place and defining goals and where you want…
Connor Leech
May 4, 2020
The 2 types of software engineering interviews and how to prepare for them
The 2 types of software engineering interviews and how to prepare for them
Being able to pass technical interviews is crucial for career growth as a software engineer, yet it can be hard to know exactly how to…
Connor Leech
Nov 26, 2017
Post jobs and search candidates for free on Employbl.com
Post jobs and search candidates for free on Employbl.com
If you work at a Bay Area tech company you can post jobs for free on Employbl.
Connor Leech
Apr 24, 2019
Thanks for the mention :)
Connor Leech
Apr 14, 2020
Ruby On Rails or Laravel, which do you use?
Ruby On Rails or Laravel, which do you use?
Last week I wrote about how to build a bookmarking application using Sequelize ORM — an application that allows Javascript to speak SQL…
Connor Leech
Nov 13, 2016
How we built the candidate approval process in Laravel
How we built the candidate approval process in Laravel
This blog post goes over the technical implementation of the Employbl candidate approval process for candidates using Laravel and PHP.
Connor Leech
Apr 10, 2020
Testing Helpers in Laravel 5.4
Testing Helpers in Laravel 5.4
These are some helper methods and settings to make writing tests in Laravel easier, more clear and less verbose. We’re following along from…
Connor Leech
May 27, 2017
How I built Bay Area job search with Laravel and Greenhouse API
How I built Bay Area job search with Laravel and Greenhouse API
Greenhouse is a common Applicant Tracking System (ATS) that many Bay Area startups use to track job applications and store their job…
Connor Leech
May 20, 2019
Build a Task List with Authentication Using SQL, Node.js and Adonis (Part 1)
Build a Task List with Authentication Using SQL, Node.js and Adonis (Part 1)
In this tutorial, we’re going to build a task application where guests can view all the tasks and click in to view an individual task. We…
Connor Leech
Aug 18, 2018
Generate Authentication for a Laravel 5.3 Web Application
Generate Authentication for a Laravel 5.3 Web Application
In this tutorial we are going to generate an authentication system to register and log users in using Laravel 5.3. We will use a SQLite…
Connor Leech
Dec 27, 2016
Top Ten Technologies for Technical Recruiters — 2016
Top Ten Technologies for Technical Recruiters — 2016
This list is by no means comprehensive of the entire tech ecosystem, but it is a start!
Connor Leech
Feb 7, 2016
Launch a Website with a Custom URL using Github Pages and Google Domains
Launch a Website with a Custom URL using Github Pages and Google Domains
Hosting: Free.
Connor Leech
May 12, 2017
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