Build Your Brand And Business By Writing A Book: It’s Easier Than You Think

Kevin Kruse
Employee Engagement Training
4 min readNov 14, 2016

Are you exceptional in your field? On the cusp of taking the next step but don’t know how to make it happen? Would you like to be the one that gets called for TED or TEDx Talks?

In her new release, You Must Write a Book: Boost Your Brand, Get More Business, and Become the Go-To Expert, author and speaker Honorée Corder demystifies what it takes to go from “I don’t know where to begin” to climbing up the rankings of Amazon’s bestseller lists.

Corder explains that books are the new business card. She has written almost two dozen books and leveraged those books to build a successful speaking and coaching career, and multiple streams of income. When she wrote and self-published her first book Tall Order! twelve years ago, she didn’t know one was supposed to buy 1,000 copies and let 900 of them gather dust in her garage. She ordered 5,000 copies. A week later she ordered 5,000 more because the first run sold out. The second run didn’t last much longer.

In You Must Write a Book, she begins by laying out the case for what your book will do for your business.

Saying you’re the best at what you do falls on deaf ears.

A slick business card, shiny website, and advanced degrees are the norm. If you want to stand out, to rise above the rest, you need the cachet that comes with being an author. The world of publishing has been turned upside down and the new rulers of the jungle are indie authors. Corder explains who must write a book, the why, and the strategic thinking one needs to finish with a polished product that is indistinguishable from the tomes that come out of New York.

Who must write a book?

The most common excuse that stops people in their tracks is “I’m not a writer,” and this simply isn’t true. You write notes, emails, briefs, reports, and clever Facebook posts about your cat, every single day. You ARE a writer.

The question most asked is, “What would I possibly have to say?” The answer is so, so, much. You have a unique combination of life experience, education, and knowledge that give you a voice unlike anyone else. You know more than you think. Corder shares her own experience with overcoming doubt that her message would resonate with readers. You’ll go from wondering, “Who am I to write a book?” to knowing without a doubt the “who” is you.

Why write a book?

A book helps you dominate your market, differentiates you from “that guy who says he does what you do” (but really doesn’t), and makes you more cool at cocktail parties. If you want to stand out, have a book to hand out.

A book establishes authority; the root of the word authority is “author.” Sure, degrees, certifications, or licenses may have taken years to obtain and are supposed to establish authority, but you can’t run a Facebook ad about your Ph.D. Having a book with your name on it rises above anything else you have done or can do. More than all of that, a book lives forever. It can generate royalties for you for your entire life, and then for seventy years after you’re gone. Indeed, it can be your legacy.

How do I write, publish, and market my book?

This is the core of You Must Write a Book. Corder begins with pre-book strategic thinking, which covers the goals of the book and how to achieve them. Are you writing a book to get your message out? Do you want the book to land you speaking gigs at $10,000 an hour? Are you building a brand? Is this book’s mission to make you a highly sought after consultant?

It is the understanding of the mission that will lead to a successful 100-day plan. She discusses the need to consider whether the book will be an ebook, audio book, paperback, hard cover, have foreign translations, or all of the above, and how one makes that happen.

After building a plan, one must consider the editing, cover art, and whether to self-publish or seek a traditional deal. She covers the pros and cons of either route. By the time you finish with the chapters on marketing strategy, you’ll be ready to get to writing.

Corder is a prolific writer who has seen firsthand the benefits of being a published author. I have too; whether it was launching my multi-million dollar companies, or gaining passive income, or earning five-figure speaking fees, becoming an author has totally changed my life. There is nothing stopping you from achieving similar results. To maximize your career potential, You Must Write a Book.

Kevin Kruse is the author of Employee Engagement 2.0 and a top leadership speaker. Join his newsletter at



Kevin Kruse
Employee Engagement Training

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