Top 10 Modern HR Tools for More Productive Workplaces — Semos Cloud

Kristina Martic
Employee Experience Management Blog
7 min readOct 21, 2019

Top 10 Modern HR Tools for More Productive Workplaces

Your role as a modern HR often makes you juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities. However, many of your tasks can be very time-consuming if you don’t have access to the right HR tools.

Why Modern HR Needs New Tools

Your role as a modern HR often makes you juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities. However, many of your tasks are time-consuming but smaller manual work while others are quick but require strategic planning.

As we’ve moved our work environments onto tools like Slack and evolved our work processes to include smarter automation, it’s important that the HR also evolves to pick up modern HR tactics.

As an example, it can be extremely hard for employers to implement new employee recognition and rewards ideas without the right tools.

That’s why we have a l ist of the 10 types of apps you need to add to your everyday tools to ensure your HR processes are more productive and less time-consuming.

Top 10 Tools for Modern HR

Let’s take a look into the 10 tools every HR professional should consider using.

1. Project Management

From handwritten to-do lists to manual spreadsheets, project management used to look completely different than it does today.

But, as companies evolve to be more collaborative, with multiple stakeholders coming in at different stages of a project, a complex spreadsheet isn’t going to cut it.

Instead, modern HRs need to adopt smart project management tools that take the workload out of your project planning. These project management tools allow you to get the visual representation of your projects, assign people, attach important documents, define timelines and many more.

If you are looking for such solution, check our BoardFlo.

modern HR project manager tool

2. Attendance and leave management

One of the most important aspects of a modern HR’s role is to manage employee attendance. The current systems in place aren’t ideal. Biometric fingerprint scanners are expensive and sometimes faulty while emailing HR every time you take a leave is tedious.

Since you already have a work communications tool, why not maximise its potential by having employees check-in and send alerts about their leaves using this tool?

AttendanceBot is your complete attendance and leaves management solution. Employees just need to send the smart bot a message when they step into the office and when they step out and it records the employee’s hours at work instantly.

When taking leave, employees just need to send a message about their leave and the manager in charge of them receives a message asking for approval.

modern employee ettendance solution

This system makes it easy for HRs to just monitor leave and attendance and escalate concerns when required. The data from the leaves and hours worked is swiftly recorded on a robust dashboard, allowing the HR to access the information at any time.

3. Shift management

If your company works with shift workers, it’s important to have an effective and efficient system that makes planning shifts simpler and doesn’t miss out on shift schedule changes.

When working with multiple shift workers, it’s also important that you plan shift hours equally while also tracking the hours put in by each worker.

As an HR, you get access to a dashboard that organizes shift schedules beautifully, letting you filter and view schedules and track hours worked.

HR shift manager tool

4. Expense management

From reimbursements to day-to-day supply budgets- every HR has a monthly expense report they need to manage, keep track of people who have been reimbursed, and ensure timely purchase for office requirements. But multiple expense-related tasks doesn’t have to make your head spin!

Instead of having to manage a handwritten expense record, plug in your managers to this app to ensure each of them records every expense made.

With a smart tool like this, you spend less time calculating your expenses and have more time improving systems and create value for employees.

modern HR expense managemewnt solution

5. FAQs and Issue management

Every office is sure to have a set of often-asked questions- from the WiFi password to copier paper. But, asking these questions doesn’t have to mean interrupting the HR on a daily basis.

Instead, modern HR should set up an office wiki, one that includes answers and details to the smaller requirements for everyday work.

Set up a helpdesk that also takes in issues that employees have on a daily basis. This way, you don’t have to deal with incessant emails or in-person meetings.

Instead, all issues can be resolved through your work communication app. Use FAQ and issue management apps like OfficeAmp to smartly navigate everyday office needs and avoid distractions.

modern HR tools

6. Recruitment management

Recruitment season is hectic for HR. However, smart recruitment management apps have simplified recruitment processes, saving time and energy for the modern HR.

A great recruitment management app shows you the sequence for every potential candidate, stores details about every candidate, and allows you to add real-time updates and feedback about the candidate.

Such an app also has the capability to send automated emails to the candidate, keeping them informed and describing next steps. Every modern HR should use a recruitment management system such as TalentLyft so that they can smartly organize their tasks come recruitment season.

Recruitment HR solution

7. Onboarding sequences

The next big task every HR has after recruiting their perfect talent is to onboard them.

A good onboarding process engages with the new employee for the first two weeks, getting them immersed into the office and their work slowly and encouraging them to ask questions, raise doubts, and give feedback. But all this can’t be done by just a person, right?

Instead, HRs can pick up an automated onboarding app that does this work for them. A good onboarding app lets you define and follow your internal onboarding processes.

8. Employee Feedback

Understanding your employees’ needs and roadblocks is just as important as bringing in good talent. This is why feedback collection- as simple it is- is a crucial step before evaluating the office environment, changing processes and even just correcting day-to-day work behavior.

However, providing meaningful feedback to employees is hard to do without the right technology.

Simplify your feedback process with apps designed for work feedback collection. Apps like FeedBck allow you to collect employee responses in real-time, giving you key insights into how processes need to change as projects happen.

modern employee fedbac HR tool

9. Employee Health and Well Being

Improving employees’ health, well being and work life balance have become one of the main priorities for many employers.

This is not surprising as investing in employees’ health significantly reduces healthcare costs, employee absenteeism and increases employee’s satisfaction and productivity.

With modern HR tools such as Healthain, you can encourage your employees to be more active and reward them for new behaviors.

employee well being HR solution

10. Employee recognition

A great work environment recognizes the work done by employees. Recognizing the work done by your team has proven to boost work performance and productivity.

Employees who were credited for their contributions come forward with more solutions and take more ownership of their work. But, if your office has 50+ employees, employee recognition is sure to eat up your time. But, as always, there’s an app for this!

The points system keeps track of the achievements your employee has and these points can be redeemed for benefits, incentivizing employees to be more engaged at work.

employee recognition modern HR solution

Which Modern HR Solutions are You Using?

We hope this list of modern HR solutions will help you work smarter and create a productive HR environment!

Is there a solution type we missed?

Let us know which modern HR tools that you are using should definitively be added to this list?

Originally published at on October 21, 2019.



Kristina Martic
Employee Experience Management Blog

Google and HubSpot certified digital marketing professional with over 5 years of experience in digital and traditional marketing.