Gender Transition

Agonizing Over Bottom Surgery

An extremely personal, private decision that trans women often have to make/explain/justify publicly

Cassie Brighter
Empowered Trans Woman
5 min readFeb 10, 2021


This morning my friend Rose posted this on TikTok:

Trans women agonize over this.

We want so desperately to belong, to be ‘real women,’ to be normal.

“Born in the wrong body” has been our narrative. “Male parts,” they call them.

We’re not broken, and we’re not freaks. We’re a naturally occurring variant of human experience.

Just like albinos, or redheads, or left-handed people. Being ‘less frequent than’ doesn’t make us ‘less than.’

A Century of Cis Aspiration

For over a hundred years, we’ve been told the only path to full personhood, for us, is through surgeries. This comes from an outdated perspective of gender. Gender is not binary — it is a wide prism with many facets. And the reality that cisgender people have yet to accept is that there is just as much variance in cisgender experience as there is in trans experience of gender.



Cassie Brighter
Empowered Trans Woman

Activist. Public speaker. Writer. Community Organizer. Mom. Creator & Host, Empowered Trans Woman Summit. Managing Editor,