Gender Transition

Things Cis Boys Generally Don’t Do

“You might be transgender,” I can almost hear Jeff Foxworthy say, inside my head :-)

Cassie Brighter
Empowered Trans Woman
3 min readMay 12, 2020


This was shared in one of the many trans groups I belong to. It made me chuckle — I distinctly remember coming to this realization at one point in my life.

“Don’t all boys do this?

“Err, no. No, they don’t.”

(Now I hear Inigo Montoya saying, “you keep using the word ‘boy’… I do not think that word means what you think it means.”) 😅😅😅

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon

Things Cis Boys Generally Don’t Do

Everyone’s road to self-acceptance is different both in length and adversity. Mine, looking back, seems painfully long. I was thumbing through old journal entries and found this, which seems like it was one of the final steps on that road. It seemed appropriate to share with the number of posts I’ve seen around here of people questioning or coming to terms with their identities. This is just one girl’s example.

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Cassie Brighter
Empowered Trans Woman

Activist. Public speaker. Writer. Community Organizer. Mom. Creator & Host, Empowered Trans Woman Summit. Managing Editor,