Trans Women And The Danger of a Single Story — Where Chimamanda Got It Wrong

On the importance of being seen, the many narratives of women, and the toxicity of exclusionary thinking.

Cassie Brighter
Empowered Trans Woman


At some point recently I became impatient with my transgender sisters. I became impatient because they didn’t act like good feminists. Some of them — especially what I consider the most problematic demographic among trans women — the middle-class, middle-aged, late-in-life transitioning White trans woman (raising own hand) — didn’t seem to even know much about feminism.

I shared this with Rachel Anne Williams — a trans activist and writer in Missouri — and she said, “there are many middle-aged White cis women who don’t know much about Feminism.”

And I do think that’s a fair point.

But it’s the divide between cis and trans women that frustrates me. The antagonism I sometimes see in both groups of women.

At the Women’s March this year, a young trans gal had an angry sign denouncing the pussy hat.

Have you folks heard the mantra, “not all women have pussies, not all pussies are pink”?

I wrote an article in defense of the pussy hat. It’s up on this site. The gist of it is that the pussyhat is a unifying symbol. Not all pizza has pepperoni. And yet pizzeria logos tend to show pepperoni. Public restroom signs show a woman in a dress. Not every woman wears dresses…



Cassie Brighter
Empowered Trans Woman

Activist. Public speaker. Writer. Community Organizer. Mom. Creator & Host, Empowered Trans Woman Summit. Managing Editor,