Gender Dysphoria

Would you rather be a cis-male, or a cis-female if you had the choice?

Empowered Trans Woman
3 min readMar 30, 2020


Photo by Artem Kovalev

My Answer for that question WAS :


I have gender dysphoria which completely sucks, lemme tell you a little bit about dysphoria.

It means that your gender identity doesn't match your gender at birth which in my case is MALE.

I really really hate being a male and here's why (cause i am not just playing around or felt Bored so i decided to act dysphoric).

HAIR: Women have long hair and they have many many hairstyles they can go for, a woman with long hair is sexy and unique, a man with long hair gets criticized.

BODY: Female Body is like a piece of art right, how toned they are, how amazing they look, how the curves are placed right (unlike male curves in which Testosterone makes the lipids go to his belly in female estrogen make the lipids go to her ass, thighs and chest which make her attractive).

SKIN : did you know that female skin is lighter and softer and better than the male skin, lol do i need to keep going.

FACE: female face is more triangular shaped with pointy nose, which makes them look really amazing and cute and petite, Males on the other hand have a square-shaped face which look ……..

BODY HAIR : seriously body hair sucks really really sucks, women have less body hair and can shave it whenever they want and if they decided to keep it, that's cool and empowering. Males have more body hair and it's Fucking GROSS, I hate it so so much and if males shaved oooh just look at how the society would treat them, and ofc don't get me started with the BEARD it looks gross seriously so gross, I am struggling to keep it shaved or trimmed and I am seriously considering getting it removed by laser so it doesn't grow back again.

CLOTHING: skirts, dresses, shoes, heels, hoodies, jackets, shirt and t-shirts, pants. Undergarments: lots of sexy snd comfortable styles, thongs, normal, g strings, t strings, bikini panties…. And so on, same with bras and of course the huuuuuuge variety of lingeries and their styles. MALES on the other side, only pants and shirts, and of course males look gross in shorts because of their leg hair and swimsuits because of leg and chest hair.

SOCIALLY: women can communicate better, women get more social attention, women get defended and can cry in public and people will feel sorry for her. Males: LOL LOL LOL.

SEXUALLY: the female body is full of sexual zones and they have more nerves in their body making them enjoy the touches and small things even more, also during an orgasm the brain completely shuts down so they get maximum pleasure unlike males, it's easier for a woman to seduce a man with her body right, and of course the female clitoris which has at least double the nerves in the penis head and of course the shattering 20 seconds if not more mind-blowing orgasm I believe that male's orgasm is like getting a female's vagina stretched by sex, so our orgasm is their foreplay WTH totally unfair.

Finally, I can't even think about coming out of transition because, my family sucks and completely close-minded, also my religion won't allow me to transition which completely sucks so I am stuck with daily discomfort and struggling and dealing with depression because of Gender Dysphoria.

(This is my first story ever, i will try to write more here on medium and talk about my gender dysphoria)



Empowered Trans Woman

A transwoman ,who is stuck(trapped) in my male body. contact me on (hangouts too)