“You Can’t Talk Gender To A Child” — And Other LIES We Tell

We do it all the time. We’ve been doing it for generations.

Cassie Brighter
My Trans Child


Photo by Mikael Kristenson

The stance of "you can’t talk about gender with children" is so deeply hypocritical. Adults speak gender to children ALL THE DAMN TIME.

"Trucks are for boys."
"She’s such a pretty young lady."
"I bet he’s gonna be a heartbreaker!"
"I’ll have a boy toy for my son please."
"You can’t wear pink, you’re a boy."
"Let’s find a dress for this young lady."
"I bought you a pink Cinderella backpack."
"He’s a handsome young man, isn’t he."
"We’re having a boy!!!"
"Congratulations, it’s a girl."

Bitch please.
You’ve been indoctrinating gender, gender presentation, gender norms to the child since they were born. You’ve been ENFORCING binary cisgender identity on this child since they were born.
You’ve never stopped to consider WHY you (and all the other parents) do this.
You do this to STEER the child toward cis-normative, hetero-normative behavior.
You’ve been terrified that some TV show, some movie, some TOY would make your son gay, would make your daughter a lesbian.
You’ve been…



Cassie Brighter
My Trans Child

Activist. Public speaker. Writer. Community Organizer. Mom. Creator & Host, Empowered Trans Woman Summit. Managing Editor, EmpoweredTransWoman.com