Book Summary-Gratitude Works!

Transform Your Life and Unlock Emotional Prosperity with Gratitude

Ram Potham
1 min readFeb 28, 2023


1 Paragraph Summary:

It provides a practical guide to cultivating gratitude in your life and argues that gratitude is a key ingredient in emotional well-being and can have a profound impact on our health, relationships, and overall quality of life. Using evidence based strategies and case studies, Emmons shows the importance of finding ways to express appreciation for others and your circumstance.

Key Points:

  • Being grateful is a choice and can be cultivated any time
  • Benefits include lowering blood pressure, improving immune system, promoting happiness, and overall better health
  • Take gifts as granted instead of for granted
  • Don’t expect good, your dopamine response is more powerful if good things come as a surprise
  • Gratitude comes from affirming goodness in your life
  • The best way to express gratitude is writing a letter to someone and reading it to them
  • Fasting, solitude, religion, simplicity, self-reflection, and gratitude journals are all linked to showing gratitude



Ram Potham

Founder. AWS certified expert. Web3 enthusiast. Yoga Teacher. Artificial Intelligence student at Carnegie Mellon University.