Awww, Empower

Wilhelm Myrer
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2020

A World Without Waste

Empower’s mission is to clean up and close the tap on plastic waste, to create a world without waste!

While there is no single answer to the issue of plastic waste in the environment, Empower’s solutions are an important part of cleaning up, tracking and making sure plastic waste ends up where it has the highest value for society.

Anthophila Empower Ltd. digitising waste management in Africa

Empower has set a goal to distribute our solutions at a global scale in order to help as many people as possible, clean as much plastic waste as possible while also providing socially collected plastic to cater for growing global demand for transparency and traceable recycled materials.

The Empower approach is characterized by the conjunction of well known digitizing technologies like blockchain, cloud databases, smartphones and introduction of new business models into the plastic waste industry.

The real innovativeness in the Empower solution, and why we believe so strongly in its scalability, lays in the simplicity of use, the high value it creates to all stakeholders through incentives in the value chain, the low cost of both use and implementation, the local ownership model, and the way it ties together the whole silo based plastic waste value chain.

To establish a fully functional value chain the real challenge is matching a dynamic demand with a dynamic supply, and when we succeed with this the impact will be massive in terms of jobs created, lower co2 emissions, number of new products based on recycled materials, cleaner environments and better awareness of the value and problem related to plastic waste.

The Empower value proposition echoes the Worlds need for solutions that will deliver lasting change. To reach our goal of a world without waste we need to stand together and create scalable global solutions. In this mission Empower needs support and partnerships from major global partners that are willing to step up and be part of the solution and not the problem.

Go plastic positive!

Joint the #plasticwastemovement or contact us at #empowerplastic

