Empower Cyber Plastic Heroes — SOLD OUT!

Wilhelm Myrer
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2022

Successful launch, full mint and rocketing FP for the plastic heroes, making 3–4x for minters, within 1 week from launch on Stargaze zone.

Cyber Plastic Heroes on the Stargaze Marketplace

Wow, that was one amazing launch of the #CyberPlasticHeroes! With some last minute changes, moving from the launchpad to go for our own launch to honour our White Lists giveaways to getting a huge response from the community,

So what is the fuzz about? There is a lot!

Let’s try to sum up the oh so needed: UTILITY

  • Each Hero funds the cleanup of 50 kgs of plastic waste, and upon mainnet launch you will receive your plastic credits ($PCRDs)!
  • Each holder will be Airdropped at least 100 of $MPWR at Empowerchain genesis (snapshot for 100 $MPWR in October — more snapshots later to award HODLers!!)
  • A Cyber Plastic Hero wallet with 10,000 $MPWR staked, all rewards to be split pro-rata on Cyber Hero NFTs (and the Cyber Plastic Hero DAO decides how!)
  • The Wallet Also get 100% of the royalties (ca 7000 stars already!)
  • The Wallet holds a #CyberHuahua NFT (floor price 42,000 Stars), and we will add more NFTs from WLs/Airdrops to come (Huahua Zombies and more)…
  • Through the CyberHuahua and HuahuaZombies the CyberPlasticHero Wallet will be participating in monthly lotteries, again adding to the wallet and value of the NFTs!
  • All Cyber Plastic Heroes will receive WL to Plastic Hero Punks (snapshot TBD), HuahuaPunks and Tori Punks!
  • Private Discord-Channel and Community with event invites, Alpha, WLs and more benefits TBA
  • Beta Access to the Empower Deposit App, and a global network of changemakers
  • The Deposit App will have Direct p2p payment to 50+ countries and direct access to a range of DeFi services in-app
Cyber Plastic Villain

So that was some of the #ALPHA, but more to come.

The Cyber Plastic Heroes are indeed the core membership for the Empowerchain community. You invested in the Empowerchain and NFTs in this early stage and we will pay it back and forward :D

  • We will add more value to the wallet
  • We will work to build a larger and larger global community, where the center will spin around the 100 Cyber Plastic Hero community
  • We will make the Cyber Plastic Hero a catalyst of the Empowerchain growth and success, we work together, we invest together, and in the end we will grow and prosper together

Our ambition is to make the Cyber Plastic Heroes the real bluechip NFT of the Cosmos Ecosystem and the first one with a floor price of 1 million STARs, and we won’t rest before we achieve it.

Join our Discord, follow us on Twitter, Join the Plastic Hero Community!

In partnership with AAA Community

Cyber Plastic Hero

